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Search for 'consoles' returned 30 results.

Gears of War Review
game: Gears of War
review | 12/19/06 | Chris Martin
The Xbox 360 needed a killer app to help counteract the release of both the PS3 and the Nintendo Wii, a game that would make their year-old system more appealing to potential Christmas shoppers. Well, Epic delivered with Gears of War, one of the best games to ever grace a game system. Even after the shiny new gleam has worn off, Gears of War continues to amaze, and promises to be a lasting online and offline hit for some time to come. Between Gears of War and Halo, Microsoft is holding some intellectual properties that will sell consoles, and you better bet that they know it.
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The Future of Television: Games, Media and TVersity
game: TVersity
interview | 07/27/06 | Shawn Rider
The new generation of gaming consoles helps bring all forms of digital entertainment together. Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo have all made efforts to turn their game systems into media hubs, capable of serving the full range of your entertainment needs. This has put gamers on the bleeding edge of the future of television, and there\'s one tool all of them need to discover: TVersity. TVersity is a media server that runs on your PC and makes your music, videos and photos accessible to a huge number of devices, including your PSP or mobile phone. We got a chance to ask Ronen Mizrahi, creator of TVersity, a few questions about the convergence of gaming and digital media, and he dropped a few exciting tidbits on us (like the fact that the next release of TVersity will support Xbox 360). Get the full interview here.
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How Homebrew Development is Holding Up, System By System
news | 06/12/06 | Aaron Stanton
Systems like the original Xbox and Sony\'s PSP are praiseworthy on their own, but they can be made even better through the creative application of homebrew software. Enthusiast developed software has helped shape the console industry since the days of the Sega Saturn and the original PlayStation. This posting on the DCEmu forums takes a brief, but informed look at the state of homebrew development on today\'s and yesterday\'s systems. Included in the list are common consoles, like the Xbox, as well as older systems, like the DreamCast. It\'s an interesting read if you\'ve dabbled on the fringe of the community and are curious to hear an overview of how things stand.
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Trimersion: The Next Phase in VR HMDs
feature | 05/18/06 | Monica Hafer
Head-mounted displays (HMDs) are controversial devices: On the one hand, they fill your complete field of vision with generated graphics, creating an absolutely immersive experience. On the other hand, you cannot turn away from an HMD, and many folks feel claustrophobic or motion-sick using the devices. On the third hand, hired models in shiny silver outfits with laser guns and futuristic virtual reality helmets are so cool-looking that we just have to stop and check them out. Monica checks in on the development of the Trimersion HMD system, compatible with game consoles and PCs. Get the full details here.
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E3 2006 Hands on with Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II for the Xbox 360
preview | 05/14/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
EA\'s Battle for Middle Earth series brings the insanely huge battles of the Lord of the Rings trilogy to the small screen (if you aren\'t blessed like our man Jeremy with a really big monitor). But now EA is set to make Battle for Middle Earth II the first major real-time strategy game to work well on the home console. Previous attempts to bring titles like Starcraft to the game consoles have fallen flat, but after some hands-on time with BFME2, it looks like EA has finally broken through to a working control scheme that should make Xbox 360 owners very happy.
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Pre-E3: The Promise of Innovation in Games and Technology for the Xbox 360.
editorial | 05/07/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
E3 is nearly here, and there is more to anticipate than the new Halo trailer. This may be a year of true innovation. New consoles, re-imagined controllers, anything is possible. The Xbox 360 is prime for innovation as it grows. It is connected to your friends, your PC, your home, and at E3 this year we will certainly get a glimpse of things to come.
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The A-Z of Cool Computer Games Book Review
game: The A-Z of Cool Computer Games
review | 01/15/06 | Shawn Rider
The A-Z of Cool Computer Games is a robust survey of computer games and gaming history centered on the British gaming experience. As such, this book focuses on, mainly, European and British computers, games, consoles and arcade machines that were popular in the UK in the late 20th Century. For folks who fondly remember their old Speccy this is a trip down memory lane. For those of us across the pond, it\'s a peek into a wonderful bizarro-land of gaming: An alternate dimension of interactive entertainment that often intersects with our own gaming heritage.
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Call of Duty 2: Big Red One Review
game: Call of Duty 2: Big Red One
review | 12/10/05 | George Holomshek
Activision\'s Call of Duty series has been a big hit, so it\'s only natural that fans are excited about Call of Duty 2: The Big Red One. Exploring the campaigns of Russia, Central Europe and North Africa, Call of Duty 2 offers a cinematic FPS experience that is intense and gritty. Smoke and dirt and explosive action makes the visuals as beautiful as they are terrifying. George has battled through COD2: The Big Red One on the current-gen consoles, and has brought back this report from the front.
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Sonic X: Project Shadow Video Review
game: Video: Sonic X: Project Shadow
review | 11/29/05 | Chris Martin
Sonic is popping up everywhere these days, from GameTap\'s online service to next-gen consoles and handhelds in-between. To coincide with the release of the new Sonic X game, Funimation has released a DVD companion called Sonic X: Project Shadow. Our resident Sonic groupie, Chris Martin, takes this DVD for a spin, and comes up with the definitive review. Check it out.
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Zoo Tycoon DS Review
game: Zoo Tycoon DS
review | 11/22/05 | George Holomshek
Microsoft\'s Zoo Tycoon series is an approachable, enjoyable franchise that allows you to build and manage your own menagerie of incredible creatures. It\'s the kind of game that is played almost exclusively with a mouse, and almost never works out on home or portable consoles. But that\'s just the niche filled by the Nintendo DS, right? That stylus should open up a world of simulated joy for us all, right? Well, don\'t count your ostriches before they hatch. Our man George has the review.
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Gamer Builds Revolution Controller, Releases Video Playing Half-Life 2
game: Revolution
news | 10/29/05 | Aaron Stanton
With the Xbox 360 only a few weeks away, the next generation consoles are about to begin the process of officially becoming this generation. With all the energy building up around the pending 360 release, it\'s not surprising that the Nintendo faithfull are speculating about what their system is going to play like. We\'ve all seen video, but very few have had any chance to really sit down with the Nintendo controller. Well, one creative gamer assembled a Nintendo Revolution controller out of pieces and parts of computer equipment he had around the house. Then he played Half-Life 2 with it. Then posted instructions and videos.
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Sony Announces the Imminent Layoff of 10,000 Employees
news | 09/22/05 | Aaron Stanton
BBC World News has reported that Sony will be letting go of 10,000 employees within the next three years, to be completed by 2008. It\'s always good to remember that of the three major console players, Sony is the only one that\'s attempting to recover from a series of massive fiscal disappointments. While it controls the current generation of home consoles with the PS2, Sony\'s stock has dropped nearly 2/3rds of its value in the last five years, and loses or breaks even on nearly every division other than games and movies. Fans that are worried that Nintendo might be the underdog in the next round of console wars might do better to worry about Sony\'s ability to withstand a long-term war.
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Pretty Colors and Lens Flare: Why Graphics Matter
editorial | 09/08/05 | Shawn Rider
There is a raging debate going on right now about the next generation of gaming consoles. For many, it can be summed up like this: Do prettier graphics justify an entirely new generation? Are the graphics in the next generation enough of an improvement to justify an entirely new generation? With game development cycles getting longer and hardware cycles getting shorter, it\'s entirely appropriate to address the issue of whether or not the next generation of home consoles is really worth it.
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Modding Community Gets Head Start on Xbox 360
news | 08/31/05 | Aaron Stanton
Probably the people most passionate about whether or not the Xbox 360 has a hard drive are system modders, who can possibly use the hard drive for everything from stealing games (bad) to running homebrew software (goodish). Now, the makers of the SmartXX mod chip for the Xbox have gotten hold of a number of Xbox 360 development kits. They\'ve opened the system and photographed the insides, which is a pretty good indication that the modding community is already at work on modding the next generation game consoles.
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Dragon Ball Z: Sagas
game: Dragon Ball Z: Sagas
review | 08/15/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Dragonball Z: Sagas is out now for the big three consoles, and, well, it\'s another Dragonball game. Unfortunately, we\'ve seen power levels much higher than this in the past, and, well, Blaine will break the news to you as gently as possible in his review.
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