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Search for 'NES' returned 240 results.
game: Dungeon Siege II
review | 08/16/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Microsoft is back with the sequel to the old hotness, Dungeon Siege II. Is it all that Diablo and a bag of chips? Blaine seems to like it OK. We locked him in a room and didn\'t let him come out until he beat Elite mode. Read on for the results.
game: Chaos Field
news | 08/15/05 | Shawn Rider
O~3 Games is bringing the popular Japanese arcade shooter Chaos Field to the States for the Game Cube. Hardcore shooter fans should dig the full release, available here.
game: Supreme Ruler 2010
review | 08/04/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Graphics are not everything. In fact, in an ideal world, gameplay would trump graphics every time. Find an old NES at a pawn shop and go through some of the classics, and you'll find that some of the older games are still fantastic, even if they do look like they were made in the 1980s. Sometimes, modern games that deserve notice don't get them because of a little less polish in the eye candy department. Supreme Ruler 2010 might not be the best looking game in the world, but it's certainly worth playing. Take a look at our review if you're a fan of strategy games.
game: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
review | 07/26/05 | Chris Martin
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has really been getting headlines lately. We hear the Hot Coffee sequence is unlockable on the Xbox version, too, so you can adjust your personal scores accordingly, after you check out our review wherein we discuss everything else about San Andreas on Xbox.
Articles Archive | 06/14/05 | Monica Hafer
The growth of the video game industry and the acceptance of gaming into mainstream society has brought about both positives and negatives. Companies like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft drive technology forward, but how does that leave the small, independent developers that helped give this industry its footing? An interview with Stardock reveals that there's a lot of spunk left in the independent market, and perhaps a healthier business model than the one currently driving the big boys.
game: Obscure
review | 05/21/05 | Laurie Taylor
Obscure is to survival horror games as Scream was to teen horror flicks. With a cool two-player co-op mode and a bargain basement price, this is one of those "sure to be a cult hit" games that some gamers are going to really enjoy, and others will probably find pretty decent. If you've played a lot of horror games, you should really check this one out. And don't let the Sum 41 put you off.
Articles Archive | 05/20/05 | Tristan Mayshark
E3 roundup from the comfort of a living room.
game: E3 2005: Turtle Beach Surround Sound Headphones
preview | 05/19/05 | Shawn Rider
Turtle Beach has long been one of the premier audio hardware manufacturers for the PC, and this year they are unveiling their new line of surround-sound headphones, which seriously thump. These headbangers feature front, center, and rear channels, plus subwoofers with flappers. Oh yeah, we like. We like very much...
game: Phantom Dust
review | 04/30/05 | Chris Martin
If you're a fan of the unusual, Phantom Dust offers one of the most unique experiences on the Xbox. Developed to appeal to the Japanese market, this anime-influenced title is stylish, odd, and addicting. As a game unique in the American market, this budget title will devour hours of time for the people willing to give it a shot despite a style that is decidedly outside the mainstream. Read our full review for details.
game: Matrix Online
review | 04/25/05 |
The Matrix Online is based on a series of movies that are renowned for their fast-paced and choreographed fight scenes. Can a massively multiplayer title possibly hope to convey that same intensity? Can a franchise so dependent on the style of its combat make a good showing in a game that pulls the real-time action in favor of a turn-based system? Find out what our man Larson has to say after experiencing TMO in the weeks before and after its launch.
Articles Archive | 04/18/05 | Chris Martin
ZOOtech is the manufacturer of DVD-Extra Studio. DVD- Extra Studio allows DVD authors to create seriously interactive DVD content, which makes possible games such as the wildly popular UK DVD version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Our man, Chris, finds out why ZOOtech was honored this year with the "Innovation Award" and the "Overall Winner" of the Sheffield Business Awards, and what this technology means for gamers (at least the bits that aren't still secret).
game: Lumines
review | 04/14/05 | Shawn Rider
Lumines is the hipster puzzle game for the PSP that's got everyone tripping out on rave-tastic visuals and bumping techno beats. But Shawn is here to say that for all those non-raver, techno-hating gamers out there, Lumines is still a dang fun puzzle game. And you can still trip out on the graphics without dressing like a candy bar.
game: Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade
review | 04/13/05 | Shawn Rider
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade is a hack-and-slash dungeon crawling RPG that brings classic Diablo-style gameplay to your PSP. It's got great graphics, a deep character development system, and is pretty much a hoot to play with friends. But like so many RPG protagonists, it is as flawed as it is brilliant. Curse the darkness, or get the light right here.
game: The Punisher
review | 03/02/05 | Monica Hafer
If you're looking for a night of good, clean fun, The Punisher is probably not where you want to start. This dark conversion of the comic-turned movie is another example of comic book plotlines making it to the small screen, and the result is a game that lets you torture bad guys until they spill the beans, but barely interact with pretty much anyone or anything else. Though there's some real talent in the production values, some serious lack of depth keeps it from being all the kick-ass it could be. Read the full review for details.
game: Mercury
preview | 03/01/05 | George Holomshek
Marble Madness for the NES was one of the most addictive, frustrating games of all time. When everything from a half-inch fall to a giant green slinky can represent a danger, it's easy to end up dead. Now, Mercury comes to the PSP with an up-to-date version of the play dynamic that made Marble Madness so hard to put down. With a complex physics engine, beautiful graphics, and multi-player support, Mercury might be one of the games to keep an eye on when the PSP launches at the end of March.
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