05/15/06 |
XB360 | Tristan Mayshark
There aren\'t a lot of choices for wrestling games on the Xbox 360 right now, and it would be debatable to claim that Rumble Roses XX fills the niche to the exclusion of other attempts. Rumble Roses is to booty what the DOA series is to chesty-ness. If the previous sentence makes sense in a positive way, then Rumble Roses is probably for you. But if it seems a bit \"pervy\" to play games where a primary focus is ogling the animated characters in a sexual way, then you might want to be satisfied merely reading Tristan\'s review. Check it out here.
05/08/06 |
NGC | George Holomshek
D3 Publisher and developer, Eighting, have done good work with the Naruto Gamecube title, Naruto: Clash of the Ninja. For a franchise-based kids\' game, Clash of the Ninja offers surprisingly enjoyable fighting action, especially in the multiplayer, and nice visuals in the 2D-fighter tradition. This is one cartoon-based title that parents don\'t have to be afraid to buy their children. George has the full story here.
05/08/06 |
GBA | RJ Brooks
The Naruto franchise gives us the old one-two punch with a Gamecube title and this Game Boy Advance game, Naruto: Ninja Council. Featuring bright, anime-styled graphics and traditionally-based 2D platforming and brawling action, Ninja Council has a lot of promise. But does all that promise pay off? Or is this an example of the OTHER kind of cartoon franchise-based game (the kind you shouldn\'t play)? Get Robert\'s full review here to find out.
05/07/06 |
XB360 | Matt James
Ubisoft\'s Blazing Angels has a lot to overcome: It\'s another WWII game, and there was a little game for the original Xbox called Crimson Skies that made \"a bit\" of a splash. Fortunately, it has some spectacular graphics, and the air combat focus opens up parts of the war that are generally not exploited. Still, there are some flaws, and Blazing Angels has proven to be a tricky evaluation for our man, Matt. Check out his review here.
05/04/06 |
PC | George Holomshek
Shadowgrounds is an independently developed European title that comes to North America thanks to Meridian 4, who has also recently announced that Shadowgrounds will be carried on Valve\'s popular Steam service. Featuring frantic top-down shooter action with excellent lighting and plenty of weapons upgrades, Shadowgrounds isn\'t a complicated game, it\'s just fun. Check out George\'s review for the full story.
05/01/06 |
PC | Tristan Mayshark
If the slow pacing of FPS titles like Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 put you off, UberSoldier might be able to offer a more mindless and action oriented experience at a budget price. Some players will think it\'s a wonderful excursion from the tedious, and some players will quite reasonably hate it. For the former group, this zombie-filled WWII shooter is worth the $29 that you\'ll put down at your local video game store. It embodies old-school first person shooting, executing the genre tried-and-true without all that complicated crap like an interesting plot.
04/29/06 |
PS2 | Laurie Taylor
Gun isn\'t the only game out there that challenges you to cowboy up and show your stuff: CMT Presents Karaoke Country Revolution brings a bit of twang to the K-Rev formula. Featuring an armload of country hits (and not-so-hits), there\'s plenty of party-friendly play here, and the integration of the Eyetoy camera adds an eerie level of \"Wow, I\'m on CMT\" vibe to the experience. Scoot them boots over to Laurie\'s review for the complete rundown.
04/26/06 |
PSP | Laurie Taylor
Konami\'s Silent Hill has come to PSP, but that\'s a misleading statement. The Silent Hill EXPERIENCE has come to PSP, but apparently the experience doesn\'t include any actual game. Rather, The Silent Hill Experience is a UMD full of all the things we would expect to get for free as extras and unlockables in a AAA game title. It\'s got comics, video and music from the game, but it ultimately left our resident Silent Hill fan, Laurie, a bit cold. Get the full review here.
The Driver series that flourished on the PlayStation took a hit below the belt with the release of Driver 3. Now, Driver: Parallel Lines is back, brought to you by Atari and the men and women at Reflections. Is the fourth iteration in the Driver series the return to greatness we\'ve all been expecting and hoping for? Or does Driver: Parallel Lines only offer what we\'ve seen before at mediocre levels? Chris Martin has the final word inside.
04/24/06 |
NDS | George Holomshek
Nintendo DS owners aren\'t going to sneeze at a good RPG for the system. But is it any coincidence that Tao\'s Adventure: Curse of the Demon Seal could be abbreviated to \"Curse of the DS?\" Not only is Tao\'s Adventure bad enough to warrant the title, but it also speaks to the trouble the DS has had in generating good RPGs (Lunar anyone?). Featuring tons of menus, wonky controls, and too many of the typical RPG tropes we expect, it doesn\'t take a game reviewer to tell you to approach this title with caution. But we went and got a game reviewer to tell you that, except with more words. We\'re like that.
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