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Search for 'sof' returned 347 results.

Xbox 360 Core System: More Hub for Your Media Dollar
game: Xbox 360
feature | 12/05/05 | Shawn Rider
It might be heresy, but let\'s consider for a moment the Xbox 360 as a media hub: The gaming features are \"extras\" and the media features are primary. We want to use the Xbox 360 mainly to stream music, images and video from the home computer. How does the Xbox 360 stack up to other media hubs like the D-Link DSM-320 or the Phillips Streamium? Shawn takes a look at some of the key reasons why the $299 Xbox 360 Core System is a good choice for users who might be more interested in media than videogames.
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Project Gotham Racing 3 Review
game: Project Gotham Racing 3
review | 12/05/05 | Chris Martin
PGR 3 is one of the most highly anticipated games to launch with Xbox 360. The Project Gotham series has become a staple of the gaming landscape: The hottest cars and the hottest graphics out there are found in this game. Our man Chris Martin has dreams of tearing up race courses all over the world, and PGR 3 fulfills those dreams. Check in for the complete review.
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A Follow-up: How Much Will Your Xbox Be Worth In 4 Days
game: Xbox 360
feature | 12/03/05 | Aaron Stanton
The Xbox 360 has been disappearing off store shelves, both in reality and online where the shelves are much less tangible. In in article we posted last week, we pointed out that eBay\'s Xbox 360 listings have dropped nearly 3,000 units a day, and we predicted that - if trends continued - eBay would be sold out by December 1st. Well, it\'s now December 3rd, and the question is... did they? Are prices on the rise again? Will Microsoft\'s claim of impending shipments manage to help reduce the online price gouging we\'re experiencing moving into Christmas?
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Comparing Identical King Kongs on the Xbox and Xbox 360
game: King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
feature | 12/01/05 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s easy to want the Xbox 360; Microsoft has managed to put out a very sleek machine. However, what exactly are you getting when you put your money on the counter and head home with a new 360 in hand; better graphics? Better physics? We take versions of King Kong for the Xbox and play them side by side, scene for scene with that of the Xbox 360 version. Then we took pictures and sat them down for your enjoyment. See how well the ending generations of Xbox games compares up to the first generation of 360 titles.
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VSDA Reacts to Clinton/Lieberman Bill
news | 11/30/05 | Shawn Rider
Hillary Clinton and Joseph Lieberman have announced plans to introduce legislation called the Family Entertainment Protection Act (FEPA). The short story about the bill is that it would legislate the practices which are voluntary for retailers to follow under current ESRB guidelines, making it illegal to sell Mature rated games to minors, creating a formal avenue for consumer complaints, and initiating an annual review and \"secret-shopper\" survey of retailer compliance. The Video Software Dealers Association (VSDA) is not happy with the planned FEPA, and they have issued a statement against the bill today.
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Fable: The Lost Chapters Review
game: Fable: The Lost Chapters
review | 11/30/05 | Chris Martin
Fable was a major game for Xbox, and in many ways it was a disappointment: It was quick, and many of the insanely innovative game ideas we originally heard about were tamed into merely interesting or innovative ideas. In the end, it could never shake the glory of what had initially been promised when legendary designer Peter Molyneaux first spoke about Fable. Now the Xbox receives the polished and buffed version of Fable that was released earlier this Fall for the PC. Fable: The Lost Chapters adds a bunch of new content to the game, ranging from new bosses to new moves and spells. It\'s a welcome addition to the game, and reminds us why Fable remains a game every Xbox owner must play: It\'s fun. Get the full review from Chris Martin right here.
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How Much Will Your 360 Be Worth In 4 Days?
game: Xbox 360
news | 11/27/05 | Aaron Stanton
By November 23rd, 2005 - the day after its launch - the Xbox 360 was selling on eBay for over $2000. Then the price dropped as more system owners listed their 360 in an attempt to get a share of the market. But will prices go back up again? eBay listed 28,000 units on the 23rd, but that number has decreased by nearly 3,000 units a day, down to only 13,500 at the time of this writing. At this rate, eBay will be 360-less in 4.6 days, or December 1st. When everyone is sold out, even eBay, how much will your system be worth?
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King Kong Review
game: Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
review | 11/27/05 | Aaron Stanton
As well received as Perfect Dark and Call of Duty 2 have been, it\'s possible that King Kong might be the best first person shooter available on the Xbox 360, if you\'re into the fantastic. With a launch line-up that includes at least 7 titles that you\'ll wanna play, the 360 isn\'t lacking for quality games, but King Kong manages to combine artistic direction and solid gameplay into a single-player experience that you simply won\'t find elsewhere.
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Gun Review
game: Gun
review | 11/26/05 | Shawn Rider
Neversoft\'s latest offering diverges greatly from their history with the Tony Hawk franchise. Gun is a wild western that puts you in the role of Colton White as he hunts for the man who murdered his father. This is a gritty action game with plenty of awesome shootouts and gorey mutilations, and it\'s definitely something that anyone who loves Unforgiven or Deadwood ought to check out. But can Gun win over gamers to become the baddest disc your box has ever slotted? Shawn takes it for a ride and lets you know in his commplete review.
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The Meta-Gaming Experience of Xbox 360
game: Xbox 360
feature | 11/24/05 | Shawn Rider
The Xbox 360 brings a lot to the table: Fancy new graphics. Fancy new games. Fancy new controller. But we already had pretty nice graphics. And we\'ve always had fun games. Controllers come and go, plus we can usually find third-party controllers that will work, too. So what\'s next-gen about the Xbox 360? It\'s the meta-gaming experience. It\'s not that the 360 really changes the game (although it does that, too). What\'s really cool about the 360 is that it changes how we PLAY the game. And that\'s an exciting thing.
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Don't Panic: Reports of 360 Defects Overrated (Probably)
game: Xbox 360
editorial | 11/23/05 | Aaron Stanton
Should you be worried about the Xbox 360 being defective? Are they dropping like flies? According to online forums, Xbox 360s seem to be reporting errors like mad, but don\'t be too quick to go off telling your friends about the death of the 360. The words \"recall\" shouldn\'t slip out your lips just yet. In short, don\'t panic; chances are that error rates are skewed by the hardcore demographic of early adopters eager to share their 360 experiences.
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The Long Lines of Launch: We Nerds Gathered
game: Xbox 360
editorial | 11/23/05 | Aaron Stanton
The day of November 22nd was quiet compared to the evening of the day before; the Xbox 360 launch was virtually over within hours of 12:01. If you didn\'t have an Xbox 360 by then, chances of getting one had grown slim. Retail outlets that didn\'t take preorders were the kings, the last refuge of gamers that didn\'t buy early or were bumped off the list by supply shortages. We took a moment to drop by a store or two to chat with the faithful during the Xbox 360 launch event.
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Perfect Dark Zero Review
game: Perfect Dark Zero
review | 11/23/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
Joanna Dark finally makes her return on the Xbox 360 in the long awaited prequel, Perfect Dark Zero. Joanna is younger, hipper and has a few new tricks up her sleeve, but she also has a serious sophomore hill to climb: Perfect Dark was one of the genre-defining console FPS games on the N64 and gained a dedicated following. And in the new generation, comparisons to Halo are inevitable. Can PDZ manage to satisfy both the old school N64 fans and those expecting a next-generation marvel? Read and see.
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Zoo Tycoon DS Review
game: Zoo Tycoon DS
review | 11/22/05 | George Holomshek
Microsoft\'s Zoo Tycoon series is an approachable, enjoyable franchise that allows you to build and manage your own menagerie of incredible creatures. It\'s the kind of game that is played almost exclusively with a mouse, and almost never works out on home or portable consoles. But that\'s just the niche filled by the Nintendo DS, right? That stylus should open up a world of simulated joy for us all, right? Well, don\'t count your ostriches before they hatch. Our man George has the review.
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What Games Should You Buy With Your Xbox 360 (Part II)
game: Xbox 360
feature | 11/21/05 | Aaron Stanton
Tomorrow. If you\'re up on the game industry, you\'ll know what we\'re talking about. Tomorrow. Midnight. The Xbox 360 hits retail outlets. If you don\'t know what that means, then this article isn\'t for you; the chances of you getting a unit on launch day without a preorder are almost non-existent. The chances of getting your order on launch day, even if you did preorder, might be questionable. Regardless, tomorrow morning, meaning 12:01, thousands of lucky gamers are going to be buying their Xbox 360. This article is Part II of our look at what games you\'ll want to pick up at the same time.
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