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| 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Well, this week GamesFirst! will be featuring even more E3 coverage, this time covering the PC side of the street. Over the next several days, I\'ll be listing my E3 Best Ofs, starting today with Best Party, Booth, and Awards Presenter, and ending this weekend with my Best Games of E3 list. In the meantime, we\'ll continue to preview this year\'s upcoming PC and console titles from E3.
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
In the grand scheme of things the Dreamcast hasn't sold as well as it could have and I don't think there's any real mystery as to why this is so. A lot of people felt like they got burnt by the Saturn and they've lost faith in Sega's ability to deliver the goods. Gamers coughed up 299 bucks to take a stroll through the next generation system, but then a little something called the PlayStation showed up and preceded to whoop Sega's ass all up and down the isles of your local videogame store. When Resident Evil came out it gave gamers an experience they'd never had before and the Saturn was on the ropes. Sony landed jabs and uppercuts and if you listened closely you could hear bones breaking. Final Fantasy VII rolled out and "Fatality" echoed in the background. FFVII helped sell a bajillion more Playstations, and the Saturn basically just disappeared. When the dust settled and the blood was mopped up Sony was the undisputed champion of the console world and Sega's mangled remains were unceremoniously kicked aside, and the videogame world moved on.
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Well, it's coming up pretty soon now. Assuming Microsoft sticks to the most recent release date, Windows 2000 Professional, Server, and Advanced Server should be out in stores in a few months. And what we all ask is, "Do I want it?," and, of course, we answer "YES!". But what we all really need to know is, "Do I need it?" And that's a definite maybe.
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Well, Sony has committed. The PlayStation 2 will be available on October 26, 2000, and it will cost $299. I will take a moment to thumb my nose at anybody who predicted a price higher or lower it only makes sense that Sony would release their second system at the same original price as the first. Sony also intimated in their press conference that the PS2 will follow a similar price evolution as its predecessor, which means the price will eventually drop.
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
One of the promises of the Dreamcast was Internet connectivity right out of the box. Sega realized early on that consumers not only want to game online, but to have easy access to web sites, email, and the plethora of applications that have made the Internet and the World Wide Web so attractive. Indeed, right out of the box users could plug their new Dreamcast into the wall and get online with a few quick clicks. While the Dreamcast Web Browser 1.0 wasn't fully functional on the contemporary network, everything worked pretty well. Within a short time you could download mods for Sonic Adventure, check out the questionable content provided by IGN, kings of the misguided headline, and, most importantly, access the external web and email. Odds are, some of you are reading this article on your Dreamcast right now, so you know what I mean. Hopefully you're using the 2.0 browser, which now supports Flash and MP3s.
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences held their third annual Interactive Achievement Awards last Thursday, May 11, 2000 in LA. In the midst of E3, the IAAs have gained some notoriety, and with good reason. It was an all-star event, featuring Martin Short as emcee, and with celebrity guest presenters like Ahmet Zappa, Peter Molyneux, Sid Meier, and Harry Shearer. Of course, some of the winners were luminaries in their own right like Bruce Shelley, Hironobu Sakaguchi, and Will Wright. In all, it was a great evening, and some of the greatest games from the last year were given their proper recognition. Of course, there were some disappointments (Knockout Kings over Tony Hawk's Pro Skater?!?). We've summed it all up below for your viewing pleasure.
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It only took a span of minutes befo
re s servers experienced an inc
rease in traffic (no, not a DDoS attack, though it might have felt like it) that ground them to a crawl earlier this week with the
release of the first Final Fantasy movie trailers, information on the storyline, et cetera. One of the downfalls of the site is that it doesn't go into g
reater detail of what exactly we can expect from the storyline. What we do know: This will not be a
retelling of any of the p
revious games; It's set on Earth in the year 2065 (
when Square will be releasing Final Fantasy XXXXI ) whe
re "cities a
re deserted, the population is decimated, and the p
recious few humans who
remain must find a way to survive"; the voice actors: Ming-Na, Alec Baldwin (no
relation), James Wood, Donald Sutherland (we all loved him in Invasion of the Body-Snatchers), Ving Rhames, Steve Buscemi (Mr. Pink) and Peri Gilpin.
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
We've been looking for a way to answer everybody's questions about bleem! For Dreamcast, and figured what better way to do so than to go straight to the horse's mouth, so to speak. The makers of bleem! have been gracious enough to allow us to post their FAQ on GamesFirst! With so many rumors spreading around the Web, it can be hard to get the straight facts about this exciting new version of the "best little emulator ever made." So here you go the real deal:
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Keiko Randolph is the CEO of PetFish Company, and the driving force behind one of the most unique and technically imp
ressive virtual pets out the
re. Via the PetFish website,, users can download a huge variety of fishes for their enjoyment and companionship. But the product has an inte
resting background and exciting futu
re plans. Keiko chatted with us about the past, p
resent and futu
re of PetFish.
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Lorne Lanning is the President and Creative Director of Oddworld Inhabitants, undoubtedly one of the most interesting and exciting development houses in the gaming industry. Their first two titles, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus, have raised the bar for games to come. The award-winning and best-selling titles incorporate an amazing storyline, insanely innovative gameplay, stellar production values, and a whole bagfull of originality. With two new titles in development for the PlayStation 2, Munch's Oddysee (due Fall of 2000) and Hand of Odd (due sometime after that), the folks at Oddworld look ready to create an all-out revolution in electronic entertainment. We got the chance to ask Lorne a few questions that we've been itching to hear the answers to. Here's what he had to say:
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Just before E3 we received an email from a new company, Indrema, that is bringing a Linux-based console to the market next winter. With a tentative release date of December 2000, the Indrema L600 should launch with 30 titles, including Quake III: Arena, Unreal Tournament, Heavy Gear II, and Sim City 2000. The system is expected to retail for $299 and features an upgradeable graphics processor by NVidia, and there will be two versions to support both broadband and 56K users right out of the box. In addition, the package will include MP3 player software and a Mozilla-based web browser. The hardware specifications for the system are impressive, and the fact that the graphics processor is upgradeable will at least give the system some real longevity. Upgrades are expected to cost between $50 and $100, and may potentially be produced by companies other than NVidia, giving Indrema good mobility in the ever-changing GPU world.
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Infogrames created a buzz when they acquired Hasbro Interactive this past year, and at E3 the company showed off some of the new franchises they plan on developing. Perhaps the most exciting prospect is the return of Atari, a very hushed buzz floating around the Infogrames booth. Atari, venerable videogame maker and the company responsible for such classic games as Galaga, made a splash at this year's E3 with their latest title: Water Bottle.
game: Williams Arcade Classics
review | 10/02/99 | Sarah Wichlacz
Williams Arcade Classics shows off just what the is good at: Small games with primitive graphics that are quick to pick up and quick to put down. Sarah takes Williams Arcade Classics for a spin.
game: Centipede
review | 09/19/99 | Shawn Rider
Hasbro\'s famous development house, Atari, brings us a port of the classic arcade game Centipede. Featuring all of the action, but none of the pretty colors, this version of Centipede is relatively humdrum.
game: Monopoly
review | 09/15/99 | Shawn Rider is created by Tiger Toys, and Tiger\'s parent company, Hasbro wants in on the action with the release of Monopoly. Featuring some pass-and-play multiplayer, there are worse things you could be doing with your stylus.
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This game is totally cheating.