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Search for 'Tak' returned 281 results.

Ubisoft Focus: Brothers in Arms
game: Ubisoft Focus: Brothers in Arms
preview | 01/05/05 | Aaron Stanton
Take a look at Brothers in Arms, a tactical shooter aiming to offer one of the most realistic WWII experiences in gaming history. Taking place over terrain modeled on actual maps of real world battle locations, Brothers in Arms looks to offer an engaging and intense story with all the gameplay goodness of other Ubisoft titles like Rainbow Six 3. Check it out.
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Ubisoft Focus: Tork: Prehistoric Punk
game: Ubisoft Focus: Tork: Prehistoric Punk
preview | 12/31/04 | Chris Martin
Lots of people claim to have developer loyalty, but developers aren't the only ones that make the dream of a game come true. While their work might make a game good, it's publishers that get a game sold. If Ubisoft hadn't taken a chance on a few unique design concepts, games like Prince of Persia and the brilliant Beyond Good and Evil wouldn't have ever made it out of the developer's door. In the first of our Publisher Focus series, we're taking a look at what games Ubisoft has planned for us, starting with Tork: Prehistoric Punk. Make sure you read about this January release.
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Lineage II
game: Lineage II
review | 12/27/04 | Jason Frank
Lineage II is the most popular MMORPG in the world. Thousands of individuals worldwide love the game and play it religiously, so much that players in Southeast Asia are occasionally carted off to the hospital after multi-day Lineage II benders. Of course, not everyone is so enamored of the MMORPG genre, or with, specifically, Lineage II. And one of those folks happens to be our own Jason Hickman. We know we're going to take it on this one, but we feel obligated to express an array of opinion, so click the details to read the review, then let the flaming commence.
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Conker: Live & Reloaded
game: Conker: Live & Reloaded
preview | 12/26/04 | Chris Martin
The trash-talkin', poo-whompin', Tediz slaughterin' squirrel is back. Conker: Live and Reloaded is the Xbox update of one of the best platformers for the N64. And although we loved the game on the N64, it's a little hard to imagine Rare spending the time to bring the same game out again on the Xbox. So let's take a hands-on look at the game with our man, Chris, to see just what we can expect, and get a better idea if this game should elicit a big sigh, or a big squeal.
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Sid Meier's Pirates!
game: Sid Meier's Pirates!
review | 12/15/04 | Jason Frank
Pirates! doesn't let you play as the dirty, honor-less dogs that probably really roamed the high seas, but who wants to play as them anyway? Sid Meier takes us through a delightful rendition of what pirates should have been; driven by passion for love, revenge, and gold. First read our review, then run out and find yourself a copy. This game is a classic.
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Questionable Approaches: Girls in Gaming
Articles Archive | 12/12/04 | Aaron Stanton
There are stereotypes in the gaming industry. There's the concept of the nerdy guy that never goes outside, that never plays sports, that weighs too much, and has a pale, colorless complexion. But most of the time, these stereotypes are inaccurate. For starters, you could take the above example and, at least nearly every other time, read it girl? where the guy? is now. And the rest of it? That's just right out. Battling stereotypes is one of the obstacles our industry has to overcome. Are columns like GameSpy's new GirlSpy a way to do that? Aaron doesn't think so. Do you agree with him? Be sure to read and find out.
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Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
game: Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
review | 12/07/04 | Jason Frank
With deep characters, extreme depth of play, and a strong, dark atmosphere, Bloodlines is a near perfect game... if you can get it running, that is. Do technical glitches bring this gem down? Jason takes us through the role-playing sweetness of the undead, where how you play, what you play as, and who you snack on are all just matters of personal taste.
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Video Game Invasion: The History of a Global Obsession
game: Video Game Invasion: The History of a Global Obsession
review | 11/23/04 | Shawn Rider
There's nothing to give you that feeling of being one of the gang,? here at GamesFirst than being able to pull out obscure videogame trivia during conversations. While some might consider jokes about Pong, Zelda, and the need for Princess Peach to take self-defense lessons as an indication that we're nerds, around here we consider it the height of sophistication. How do we keep on top of the game? Well, we read, we subscribe to our own newsletter, and we keep an eye open for the occasional quality DVD documentary like Video Game Invasion. It's an inside look with the right sources and the right heart. Make sure you read our review.
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Bad Boys: Miami Takedown
game: Bad Boys: Miami Takedown
review | 11/20/04 | Matt James
As if there could be anything worse than Bad Boys II, Crave Games has done the dirty, dirty deed of releasing Bad Boys: Miami Takedown. Featuring cruddy graphics and a bad Will Smith impersonator, this is one action adventure game that ain't getting no play from us.
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Zoo Tycoon 2
game: Zoo Tycoon 2
review | 11/19/04 | George Holomshek
Microsoft's Zoo Tycoon 2 hit stores last week, and, well, let's just say that it wasn't the biggest game Microsoft put out this month. The biggest new features are probably the fully 3D graphics and the new modes that take advantage of the fully 3D graphics. Check out George's review.
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Nemesis of the Roman Empire
game: Nemesis of the Roman Empire
review | 11/19/04 | Blaine Krumpe
Looking for some Real Time Strategy? Ever wanted to play Hannibal in a not-quite-realistic version of the hordes invading the Roman Empire? With enchantresses? Well, now's your chance. Nemesis of the Roman Empire lets you take on the armies on both sides of the war. Let our man Blaine tell you why it's a little different than that other RTS game you might be looking at right now.
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Dawn of War
game: Dawn of War
review | 11/12/04 | Rick Fehrenbacher
Dawn of War brings Warhammer 40K out of the garage and into the den, and this is one of the few times that the translation of tabletop models to screen-based pixels manages to hold up. Of course, don\'t take my word for it: Our man, and venerable Warhammer 40K tabletop player, Rick, gives Dawn of War the future apocalypic military analysis. Click for the intel.
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Editorial: GamesFirst! the Fourth Time
Articles Archive | 11/07/04 | Shawn Rider
On the eve of the GF! 4.0 relaunch, Shawn takes some time out to catch everyone up on the continuing saga of our favorite little indy webzine. This editorial links to articles that discuss GF! history and details the new features of new new GF!
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Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament
game: Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament
review | 10/24/04 | Eric Qualls
Yu Yu Hakusho is a lot like Dragon Ball Z. The main difference is that there is a whole lot more fighting and a lot less screaming about power levels in Yu Yu Hakusho. Both series focus on groups of powerful fighters taking on all comers...
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game: Painkiller
review | 08/25/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Looking for a game that's fast paced, ominous, looks great, and isn't called Doom 3? Painkiller might be the answer as you take on the role of another type of demon hunter. Arm yourself to fight the good fight and win your way out of purgatory by doing the dirty work of the big fellow in charge. Learn about how it's done.
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