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Search for 'Tak' returned 281 results.

EDITORIAL - The RPG Experience: Conventions and Not Beyond
Articles Archive | 04/20/01 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
RPG is a game in which character development and character interaction take precedence over other factors and where each player's experience of the story is determined by individual choice rather than designer fiat . . . Of greatest importance, this definition eliminates adventure games, which share with the RPG an emphasis on story and character. What adventure games lack - and this is a critical point - is the capability for players to grow and develop their characters, and to affect, if not the outcome of the story, than the way in which the story unfolds. Without both character development and genuine choices placed within a player's control, a game cannot be called a role-playing game, as I choose to define the genre (Remodeling 1).

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D&D Third Edition Player's Handbook Review
game: Dungeons and Dragons Third Edition
review | 09/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Finishing out our trifecta of Third Edition Dungeons and Dragons reviews, Rob takes a look at the Player\'s Handbook, the third and final piece of the core D&D puzzle.
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EDITORIAL - Why You Must NOT Buy a PS2... Yet
Articles Archive | 08/27/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
My wife hates it whenever I make a significant electronics purchase; she doesn't mind the money spent as much as the buyer's anxiety I always experience after plunking down a few hundred dollars for something I know will be obsolete within a few months. The DVD player, the stereo, the camcorder are all sources of great anxiety to me whenever I think about them. Should I have waited for them to go down in price? Could I have gotten a better deal if I had looked around a little more? Did I get the right brand? Because of this tendency to second guess myself, I try to avoid making major purchases of things new to the market. I waited a year to see if DVD would really take hold, and it did. I had intended on breaking the waiting restriction with the Playstation 2. I didn't think that there could be a surer bet. At the beginning of the summer I started putting pennies away in anticipation of October 26th. I would be the first one on my block to own it, and it would be glorious. There was no doubt. After all, Newsweek even ran a cover story on it. Sure, there were rumors about an X-Box and a Dolphin, but what were they in the face of Sony?
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Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
This past summer I reviewed bleem!, a Playstation emulator introduced at E3 last spring. We rarely revisit software titles but because of the ongoing legal battles between bleem! and Sony, and the recent release of version 1.5b, we at GamesFirst! decided to take a second look. The initial review can be found in it's entirety here; let's get this updated review started by sharing a December 13, 1999 press release:

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EDITORIAL - A Skater's Take on Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
editorial | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Summer is the perfect time to skateboard. I should know, I love to skateboard. School is no longer a factor and there is far less to worry about. The sun is high (as well as the temperature), and the amount of time available for pure skateboarding is great. For me summer is a good time for skateboarding, not for playing video games. And although I would prefer to roll around with my friends with the sun overhead instead of staring blankly at a television screen, there are just some video games that you have to play, no matter the time or the place. The game that I set my precious time aside for was ironically based on the same thing that I yearn for the most -- skateboarding.
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EDITORIAL - The Simpsons and Console Culture
| 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Perhaps you missed last Sunday\'s episode of \"The Simpsons,\" which, as well as being one of the best episodes to date (enough to make a person forget about last season\'s crap-a-thon), also featured the show\'s first new generation video game spot. Of course you shouldn\'t worry; syndication will take care of that problem, but, for those of you who did manage to catch it, the time for discussion is at hand.
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EDITORIAL - There Can Be Only One
| 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It\'s like that movie, Kill All Monsters, where the big guys from the Godzilla films get together and have a big old monster hoedown, except these are full grown companies. Of course, all that was at stake in Kill All Monsters was a fictional humanity, and here the reward is fiscal reality. With so many new consoles coming out, I find myself asked more and more often: Which one should I buy? Well, the answer, of course, is, \"All of them.\" That\'s unsatisfactory for most people, but it\'s about the best a simple Console Editor can do.
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EDITORIAL - Why You Didn't Buy a Sega Dreamcast... But Should
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
In the grand scheme of things the Dreamcast hasn't sold as well as it could have and I don't think there's any real mystery as to why this is so. A lot of people felt like they got burnt by the Saturn and they've lost faith in Sega's ability to deliver the goods. Gamers coughed up 299 bucks to take a stroll through the next generation system, but then a little something called the PlayStation showed up and preceded to whoop Sega's ass all up and down the isles of your local videogame store. When Resident Evil came out it gave gamers an experience they'd never had before and the Saturn was on the ropes. Sony landed jabs and uppercuts and if you listened closely you could hear bones breaking. Final Fantasy VII rolled out and "Fatality" echoed in the background. FFVII helped sell a bajillion more Playstations, and the Saturn basically just disappeared. When the dust settled and the blood was mopped up Sony was the undisputed champion of the console world and Sega's mangled remains were unceremoniously kicked aside, and the videogame world moved on.
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Playstation 2 Release Dates
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Well, Sony has committed. The PlayStation 2 will be available on October 26, 2000, and it will cost $299. I will take a moment to thumb my nose at anybody who predicted a price higher or lower “ it only makes sense that Sony would release their second system at the same original price as the first. Sony also intimated in their press conference that the PS2 will follow a similar price evolution as its predecessor, which means the price will eventually drop.
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Sega Takes it Online
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
One of the promises of the Dreamcast was Internet connectivity right out of the box. Sega realized early on that consumers not only want to game online, but to have easy access to web sites, email, and the plethora of applications that have made the Internet and the World Wide Web so attractive. Indeed, right out of the box users could plug their new Dreamcast into the wall and get online with a few quick clicks. While the Dreamcast Web Browser 1.0 wasn't fully functional on the contemporary network, everything worked pretty well. Within a short time you could download mods for Sonic Adventure, check out the questionable content provided by IGN, kings of the misguided headline, and, most importantly, access the external web and email. Odds are, some of you are reading this article on your Dreamcast right now, so you know what I mean. Hopefully you're using the 2.0 browser, which now supports Flash and MP3s.
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Williams Arcade Classics on Game.com
game: Williams Arcade Classics
review | 10/02/99 | Sarah Wichlacz
Williams Arcade Classics shows off just what the Game.com is good at: Small games with primitive graphics that are quick to pick up and quick to put down. Sarah takes Williams Arcade Classics for a spin.
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