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Search for 'editorial' returned 50 results.
Articles Archive | 02/05/05 | Monica Hafer
We welcome back Monica, who returns valorous with a great contemplation of what it means to lose. All gamers, hardcore or casual, are well familiar with the feeling of getting stomped, splattered, shot, stymied, shut out, and stood up. Whether it's getting trashed in online multiplayer matches, or getting repeatedly busted up against that third boss, we've all come to some understanding of defeat. Click the details link below for Monica's treatment, The Art of Losing.
Articles Archive | 11/07/04 | Shawn Rider
On the eve of the GF! 4.0 relaunch, Shawn takes some time out to catch everyone up on the continuing saga of our favorite little indy webzine. This editorial links to articles that discuss GF! history and details the new features of new new GF!
Articles Archive | 11/07/04 | Aaron Stanton
There's nothing like a new launch, and the launch of GF 4.0 is no exception. There are new things in the offering. Start off the day with a glance back into the times long, long ago, and get a good warm feeling in your heart for the times to come. So grab a controller and pick a spot on the couch; we've got a little co-op going on here.
editorial | 05/21/03 | Aaron Stanton
After an E3 full of glamorous parties and hoity hobknobbing, our man Aaron thinks he\'s figured things out: E3 parties aren\'t about greasing up the press so they\'ll write about your latest device. On the contrary, The Truth About the Party Kings is that these events are the real deal revenge of the nerds. And us nerds like it very much. Click here for the editorial.
editorial | 11/11/02 | Shawn Rider
In an interesting twist, investigators in Montgomery County, MD are buying copies of Grand Theft Auto 3. Why? Phone calls to the sniper tips hotline suggested a possible connection between the shootings and the game. Ludicrous? Shawn thinks so. Check out his highly opinionated editorial, I am God? Click here.
Articles Archive | 11/06/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It turns out that in Montgomery County, Maryland, police are looking into "tips" they received on their sniper hotline concerning Grand Theft Auto 3, as described in this article from The Jeffersonian. Callers phoning the line apparently reported that in Grand Theft Auto 3 you could use a sniper rifle to shoot whomever you'd like. So in the interest of thoroughly investigating the case, several police officers from the Montgomery County Police Department have purchased GTA3 from a Circuit City over the past couple weeks. Are these guys doing a bunch of hard work, or are they simply catching up on their games?
Articles Archive | 07/04/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
During the Nintendo press conference at E3, my mind began to wander somewhere that I'm sure they never intended; I began to think about? my mother. It all started during a promotional commercial for their new title, Animal Crossing, in which we see several seconds of humorous footage where a crazed-looking mother has stolen her child's GBA and is sitting at the kitchen table playing while her child attempts to wrest it from her grasp. I couldn't help but recall the stolen hours that my mother had spent on games such as Space Invaders and Legend of Zelda, Tomb Raider and Riven. These were seemingly decadent hours that I'm sure my father thought could have been spent more productively. But as I remember, her gaming was no less earnest than that of her offspring, and I believe she had no less (dare I say it?) fun.
editorial | 06/11/02 | Jason Frank
Jason loves his Nintendo Gamecube. And after a year of meager (to say the least) releases for the system, the Gamecube finally looks to be coming into its own. The new outlook for the system is all about The Nintendo Difference, and Jason would like to have a word with you about this difference. Get some hardcore, uncensored opinion -- click.
editorial | 06/04/02 | Monica Hafer
We saw the guys from at E3. Just the guys. We had two women with us on GF! staff, Sarah and Monica, and each year we\'ve noticed more and more women at the show who aren\'t there to sucker guys who haven\'t seen the sun since 1994 to take their photo. But anyone with a sister or mom knows that women dig videogames. Still, women are not quite fully integrated into the gaming world, and Monica has some thoughts about that in her editorial, What Women Want (From Gaming). You really need to read it. Click here.
editorial | 06/01/02 | Shawn Rider
Every day I get a ton of email asking me which console system to purchase. My stock response is \"All of them,\" but that isn\'t satisfying for most folks. So in the interest of public service, here\'s my answer to you question: Which Console Should I Buy?
Articles Archive | 01/22/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Mind-numbing, anti-social, violence-inducing, sexually explicit: the list of evils attributed to video games gets ever longer. Apparently, the fact that games are achieving more "realness," according to Lois Salisbury, president of Children Now, based in Oakland, California, makes them more potent than ever in their ability to warp the minds of young 'uns.
Articles Archive | 01/22/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Mind-numbing, anti-social, violence-inducing, sexually explicit: the list of evils attributed to video games gets ever longer. Apparently, the fact that games are achieving more "realness," according to Lois Salisbury, president of Children Now, based in Oakland, California, makes them more potent than ever in their ability to warp the minds of young 'uns.
Articles Archive | 10/01/01 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Three years ago, Rick Fehrenbacher and Al Wildey bought GamesFirst! Although founded in 1995, GF! had been left to languish after the previous editor, a friend of Rick and Al's named Zap Reicken, decided he could no longer maintain the site. At the time of the Rick and Al's takeover, dubbed GamesFirst! 2.0, the site averaged 300 visitors per day. I came on board as the site's first console game reviewer. As Rick described so eloquently in his editorial last year, the consoles section and GF! grew together. A few games trickled in from Activision and a handfull of other games publishers for console systems, and those kept me busy for the remainder of the year.
Articles Archive | 04/20/01 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
RPG is a game in which character development and character interaction take precedence over other factors and where each player's experience of the story is determined by individual choice rather than designer fiat . . . Of greatest importance, this definition eliminates adventure games, which share with the RPG an emphasis on story and character. What adventure games lack - and this is a critical point - is the capability for players to grow and develop their characters, and to affect, if not the outcome of the story, than the way in which the story unfolds. Without both character development and genuine choices placed within a player's control, a game cannot be called a role-playing game, as I choose to define the genre (Remodeling 1).
Articles Archive | 01/26/01 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The modern world of videogames is like most other creative pursuits in that it is now coming of age and realizing its full potential. During the course of this realization, many different phases and styles have, and will, emerge. Turning points and plateaus are inevitable, as are special titles that represent "timeless" examples of the artform. Just as a classic Mercedes Gullwing will always stand out from the crowd of other cars, certain games will represent a highpoint in gaming that will maintain a certain "Wow" factor in the decades of gaming to come. Further, just because drastically better 3D modeling, and other innovations, are coming doesn't necessarily mean that the games will make a deeper, or even as deep of an, impression on the audience than its well-crafted ancestor did.
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