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05/18/05 | | Tristan Mayshark
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Our man Tristan couldn't make it to LA, but that's not going to stop him from posting his armchair view of the Electronic Entertainment Expo. Check out his impressions from afar in this writeup.

05/13/05 | | Aaron Stanton
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The MTV Xbox 360 unveiling that took place last night was a bit of a let-down for most of us here at GamesFirst. The show was catchy, with lots of scene cuts, music, and cheering crowds, but revealed almost nothing about the actual system. While it confirmed a few rumors that have been floating around, it didn't do much else, and every picture of the system came and went too fast to get a good look. There's another Xbox 360 unveiling video though, and it's available on the web. This second video is well put together and offers a better look at the actual system.

05/12/05 | | Chris Martin
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In a bold move, Microsoft teamed up with MTV to unveil their new console Xbox 360. Inside are Chris's impressions on the games, the system, and life in general.

05/12/05 | | Aaron Stanton
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The problem with having part of our editorial staff on the east coast and part on the west coast is that one half gets a 3 hour head start on TV specials. Shawn, based out of New York, picked up the MTV special a bit before those of us over here on the west coast did, and managed to get his thoughts up before we'd even had a chance to glimpse the brief flicker on the TV that we think must have been the MTV special “ it was too short and never focused on the 360 long enough for us to tell. Shawn jotted down his notes in the earlier post; now here are Aaron's thoughts on what Microsoft showed the world of their next generation game console.

05/12/05 | | Shawn Rider
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"Everybody here is in, obviously." Obviously. We haven't seen this kind of "drank the punch" vigor since Election 2004. In a move sure to annoy others much more than it annoys us (mainly because we don't get invited to the really good events anyway), Microsoft revealed the Xbox on MTV tonight. Shawn watched it, and while he did, he scribbled these notes.

04/18/05 | | Chris Martin
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ZOOtech is the manufacturer of DVD-Extra Studio. DVD- Extra Studio allows DVD authors to create seriously interactive DVD content, which makes possible games such as the wildly popular UK DVD version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Our man, Chris, finds out why ZOOtech was honored this year with the "Innovation Award" and the "Overall Winner" of the Sheffield Business Awards, and what this technology means for gamers (at least the bits that aren't still secret).

04/17/05 | | Aaron Stanton
category: archive
We here at GF! are being bold today; we're launching a series of comics based on video games called twoplayer comics, even though sites like Penny Arcade and vgcats.com already keep things interesting. Nuts, huh? Aaron, co-creator of twoplayer, tries to explain what the hell he was thinking when he created a comic with the initials T.P.

03/29/05 | | Gary Wong
category: archive
You've just plunked down 50 hard earned dollars and purchased World of Warcraft. You're looking forward to logging some quality time playing the game. Do you know when you're putting in too much time into the game? Gary Wong, recovering WoW addict, saw the warning signs and has written a cautionary tale.

03/22/05 | | Jason Frank
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So you want a PSP, but your wife says, "No." Such is the predicament for many grown men eagerly waiting for Thursday's launch of the PSP. "But wait," you say, "isn't the PSP an all-in-one marvel of modern technology that pretty much does it all? That huge feature set MUST help us convince our significant others how much the unit will benefit by having a PSP..." Check out Jason Frank's valiant attempt in this editorial.

03/13/05 | | Gary Wong
category: archive
Behind every successful video game are a team of developers who work long, hard hours to create the best product they can for you, the gamer. When those developers work too long and too hard without just compensation, EA_Spouse voices their concerns. We talk to her about the mainstream reaction to her article, EA's recent market moves, and GameWatch, her new project to illuminate quality of life issues in the game development industry.

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