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Search for 'link' returned 43 results.
game: Xbox 360
news | 12/24/05 | Shawn Rider
OpenXbox360 has posted a link to a YouTube video that supposedly shows a regular, retail version of the Xbox 360 playing an unsigned, burned copy of Perfect Dark Zero by using a hack that involved running some program on the PSP. No details about the hack or methods involved are known so far, and the video could easily be a fake. But it\'s a slow news day here on Xmas Eve, and it\'s a curious video. Check out the video for yourself, as well as the post on OpenXbox360, and keep an eye on this as the story develops.
game: Xbox 360
feature | 12/05/05 | Shawn Rider
It might be heresy, but let\'s consider for a moment the Xbox 360 as a media hub: The gaming features are \"extras\" and the media features are primary. We want to use the Xbox 360 mainly to stream music, images and video from the home computer. How does the Xbox 360 stack up to other media hubs like the D-Link DSM-320 or the Phillips Streamium? Shawn takes a look at some of the key reasons why the $299 Xbox 360 Core System is a good choice for users who might be more interested in media than videogames.
game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
news | 11/27/05 | Aaron Stanton
There\'s an article over at that pools what we know about The Twilight Princess\' placement in the Hyrule time-line, and makes some interesting conclusions. Twilight Princess happens decades after Ocarina of Time, but before Wind Waker? Interestingly, we know what happens after Ocarina of Time from the introduction of Wind Waker: No hero appears, everything goes to crap. If Link is there somewhere in-between, he fails.
news | 11/10/05 | George Holomshek
It seems like everytime we turn around these days, some symphony is cashing in on videogames. Who knew those murder simulators would also become music appreciation stimulators? Then again, what better medium to allow composers dozens of hours of time to work with: It\'s like the ultimate symphonic challenge. The recently announced PLAY! tour will bring some more contemporary game music to the orchestra pit, as opposed to other recent symphonic adaptations of classic videogame music. Check the link to tour info and catch it if it\'s coming near you.
news | 10/29/05 | Shawn Rider
Blizzard\'s annual gathering, BlizzCon, is happening in Anaheim, CA this weekend. So far announcements include more details about the WoW expansion The Burning Crusade, as well as more info about Starcraft: Ghost multiplayer. In addition, there\'s all sorts of BlizzCon wackiness. Plus, we\'re still hoping to hear more about the rumored Diablo III MMO for Xbox 360. What?! Yeah, that\'s the word on the street, according to the folks who run WoW Guru and affiliated sites. Check the links for more info.
news | 10/19/05 | Shawn Rider
Created and maintained by Timothy St. Hilaire,
Old Grandma Hardcore is a Blogspot blog that details the gaming life of Tim\'s grandmother. At first, it might seem like a gimmick, but after reading some of the posts and watching the videos Tim and Grandma post on the site, it becomes completely clear that Grandma is hard freaking core. Whether it\'s God of War or Growlanser, Grandma got game. Click for more.
game: World of Warcraft
news | 10/08/05 | Shawn Rider
NPR\'s All Things Considered has an excellent piece covering the recent Corrupted Blood plague in World of Warcraft. They consult everyone from computer mediated social interactions expert Sherry Turkle to other scientists and epidemiologists. The piece also features players discussing their experiences and covers some examples of in-game philanthropy as players donated resurrections and cures to other players who had died in the plague. It\'s a quick audio file, and definitely worth the download.
Get it here.
news | 10/07/05 | Shawn Rider
The sixth annual computer and video game charity auction opens today and runs through October 14, 2005 on eBay. The auction is sponsored by the ESA Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Entertainment Software Association. The auction is held in conjunction with the ESA Foundation\'s \"Nite to Unite for Kids,\" which has so far raised nearly $7 million to benefit a variety of children\'s charities. There are a bunch of cool items available, so if you\'re in the mood for that warm and glowing feeling you get from helping some sad kid, read on for links and more info.
game: Perfect Dark Zero
news | 09/30/05 | Shawn Rider
Perfect Dark Zero has so far been one of the most enigmatic Xbox 360 launch titles. After showing us glimpses of 50 player multiplayer on their MTV Xbox 360 unveiling, we expected to see PDZ at E3. But it wasn\'t there. It was at Tokyo Game Show, and we recently posted some links to some shakey-cam footage of PDZ gameplay which has us all debating the relative greatness potential for the game. Details are still slow to come out about Perfect Dark Zero, but we have one screen and an MP3 of one of the music tracks from the game to pass on.
news | 09/21/05 | Shawn Rider
Combining two demo release announcements into one posting, we\'re happy to let you know that both Serious Sam II and Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood demos are now available for download. Both of these titles are highly anticipated, and the demos should let us get a better idea of where they should land on our list of most desired things. Click the link for download locations.
news | 09/04/05 | Aaron Stanton
This is a day for Revolution news. We\'ve already mentioned this site elsewhere on GamesFirst, but in light of the upcoming possible unveiling of the Nintendo Revolution controller in just a few days, we figured we\'d point out some rather light-hearted entertainment to deal with the system. has an article up that recaps and
links to a number of fan mock-ups of the Nintendo Revolution controller. Included in the list are supposed eyewitness reports that may or may not be true. They\'re fun to read over knowing there\'s a possibility that you\'ll know the truth by the 16th of this month, which makes the mystery a bit more bearable. It will also make the disappointment sharper if Nintendo continues keeping its mouth shut. Included in the list of suggested features for the Revolution controller are such things like hot and cold feedback regions and the ever-popular touch-pad screen. Check it out.
game: MobZombies
news | 08/20/05 | Shawn Rider
Browsing the always-interesting weblog, we happened upon this
link to a really interesting project coming out of the University of Southern California Interactive Media Division called MobZombies, which puts you into the real world with a display that allows you to see the masses of zombies coming for your brains. Sound fun? Oh yeah.
game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
news | 08/16/05 | George Holomshek
As a cookie for delaying Twilight Princess, Nintendo has offered us a few more glimpses into the world of Link\'s latest adventure. Check out the new screens inside!
preview | 06/16/05 | George Holomshek
It seems that no one on the planet could be more of a Zeldaphile than our own George Holomshek. Seriously, the guy\'s nuts for Link. So at E3 this year we unleashed George on the unknowing PR people at Nintendo. George came out with extensive impressions of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
game: Mercury
preview | 03/01/05 | George Holomshek
Marble Madness for the NES was one of the most addictive, frustrating games of all time. When everything from a half-inch fall to a giant green slinky can represent a danger, it's easy to end up dead. Now, Mercury comes to the PSP with an up-to-date version of the play dynamic that made Marble Madness so hard to put down. With a complex physics engine, beautiful graphics, and multi-player support, Mercury might be one of the games to keep an eye on when the PSP launches at the end of March.
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