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Search for 'zombie' returned 20 results.

Resident Evil 4
game: Resident Evil 4
review | 01/24/05 | George Holomshek
As so many gamers will tell you, zombies make for good gaming. And the OG zombie shooter is Resident Evil. When it first came out, the RE series was an amazing achievement featuring moody camera angles and truly frightening gameplay. But after three major incarnations, and twice as many spin-offs, it's hard to keep the magic alive. So we were a little nervous about Resident Evil 4, the latest installment of the series. We all huddled in the back shed and then we pushed out one of our new guys, George, to see if the zombies would eat his brain. He got a little munched, but a couple of green herbs fixed him right up, and he managed to come up with an in-depth review. Click the details link for lots more.
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Resident Evil: Code: Veronica X
game: Resident Evil: Code: Veronica X
review | 04/02/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Like the zombies it once scared us with, Capcom,'s Resident Evil series just seems to keep shambling forward. It doesn't learn. It doesn't adapt, and it just won't stop no matter what you do to it. Enter Resident Evil Code: Veronica X. While this RE incarnation is new to the Gamecube, it's not new to us. If you missed Code: Veronica on the Dreamcast and the PS2 and can't get enough RE“well, lock and load. But if you need something new, hit the C-stick for a 180 and leave this zombie in the dust. Click here for the full review.
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game: BloodRayne
review | 12/20/02 | Shawn Rider
Majesco\'s big fall title is a sultry little adventure game called BloodRayne. Half-human, half-vampire, and all woman, agent BloodRayne slaughters mutated zombies and Nazis at the same time. It\'s gorey, fun to play, and full of B grade horror goodness. Not for everyone, if this is your thing, you\'ll really love it. Click here.
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Resident Evil Zero Review (GC)
game: Resident Evil Zero
review | 12/16/02 | Aaron Stanton
Those neck-chompin\', boot-scootin\', moanin\' and scrapin\' zombies are back. Actually, since Resident Evil Zero takes place before the first Resident Evil, those zombies just haven\'t been cleaned out yet. Slick graphics and a brand new two-character simultaneous play mode set Zero apart from its predecessors.
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Resident Evil 2 for Game.com
game: Resident Evil 2
review | 09/10/99 | Shawn Rider
The Game.com Pocket seeks to make Game.com a major player in the handheld gaming arena. With a touch screen and calendar functions, it offers a bit more than the Game Boy Color in terms of features, but the GBC does have that \"color\" thing. Get the lowdown on the Game.com system and the Game.com version of Resident Evil 2 in this review from Shawn.
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