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05/01/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
There was guilt. Did she have to die? Another question; did he have to kill her? Steffan DelPiano takes a step into the moral dilemma of his character, and questions if the character is really who he wants to be. Be sure to read his thoughts in this article and gaming commentary.

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04/21/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
game: Max Payne
category: archive
GBA players have reason to smile: Max Payne is that rare sort of GBA game that manages to deliver the fun, style, and feel of its console counterpart. The action is there, the bullet time is there”somehow even 20+ minutes of narration is there. It's all quite an accomplishment on a handheld. Click here for the full review.

04/21/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
In a moment of brilliance, not so long ago, a development team at Sega declared, Hey! Let's do that too!?. And Sonic Battle was born. And that's not a bad thing, cause our guy Eric says there's plenty of action to be found on the GBA with Sonic Battle. With a solid adventure mode and an exciting multiplayer experience (if you can nail the logistics down), Sonic Battle is worth a look. Click here for the full review.

04/21/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
Chase two rabbits and you'll lose them both. I think I read that somewhere”and Wrath Unleashed does just that. While is aims to combine the joy of a solid strategy game with the thrill of a fighter, the result is?. Well I don't want to ruin it for you. Click here to ask Eric.

04/21/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
Years after amazing worldwide moviegoers, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is adapted for the interactive environment. So I know what you're thinking; it's another huge movie that is now also a videogame and we all know that means it's going to suck. But wait! This is a foreign language film not a Hollywood blockbuster, and the movie had cool kung-fu videogames can make cool kung-fu too! And they can't possibly have rushed it to time the release with the movie, the DVD release, or even the two year anniversary. Maybe there is hope after all... nope. Never mind. It sucks. Click here to find out why it disappoints so profoundly.

04/21/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
It might be tempting to dismiss Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy as just another platformer, but you'd be missing out it you did. Though there are a few flaws to be found here and there, great characters, varied gameplay, and cool puzzles are just a few of the reasons to give this one a look. Click here for the full review.

04/21/04 | | Aaron Stanton
category: archive
True story: I was in an arcade in Hong Kong a couple of weeks ago and everyone was lining up in front the latest light-gun game sensation - Hong Kong Super Kill Cop, or something like that. I threw down my tokens and drew, only to find some high tech gadgetry was tracking my body movement.. You want your character to duck behind that desk, you better duck.. or lean, or dodge. It was like lasertag only cooler because it had all the joy of a videogame. By the time I got capped by a crime lord I was breathing heavy, sweating profusely and my muscles were cramped from over exertion. It was one of the most intense 30 seconds I've ever spent with a videogame. Apparently I'm not the only gamer in need of a little exercise. Aaron Stanton takes on the issue in his latest article. Exercise your index finger right here for the good stuff.

04/02/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
With 80's retro in full bloom, it's hard not to feel nostalgic about the music, TV, and most importantly, games from the decade of decadence. Ok, well, it's harder for some than it is for others. Monica ponders what makes some old-school games cool and others just old. Click here for musings on culture and the love of games.

04/02/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
There's another 007 game stalking the scene, and it's possibly one of the best in a long time. Steven takes a spy, hooks up a controller, and dives in for some gadgets and glory. Be sure to read over his report here.

04/02/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
It's strange to think that a franchise with a long and detailed history would spawn a game that seems largely ignorant of that Warhammer 40k flavor, but that's exactly what happened with Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior. And that's not the worst of it. Absurdly bad physics and poor graphics round out the list of biggest flaws. On the upside, the music doesn't suck“which would be a bigger compliment if there actually were music in the game. Click here for the full review.

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