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Search for 'review' returned 693 results.

Alan Wake Preview
game: Alan Wake
preview | 06/22/05 | Monica Hafer
Alan Wake was one of the standout games of E3 2005 (not to mention the dreamiest of male gaming characters). Featuring a psychological thriller storyline and amazing night/day and physics effects, this is a game unlike most others. Unfortunately, Remedy does not even have a publisher for this title. Our gal, Monica, has the details here.
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Scooby-Doo! Unmasked
game: Scooby-Doo! Unmasked
preview | 06/17/05 | Eric Bodrero
For anyone that grew up - or are currently growing up - on the antics of Scooby-Doo, you'll be happy to hear that there's a new Scooby-Doo title coming this fall. Set for release on the GameCube, PS2, Xbox, and GBA, you can expect to be controlling Scooby through some really impressive looking cartoon levels. Take a look at this preview for an idea of what you can expect when this title hits the shelves.
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Starship Troopers
game: Starship Troopers
preview | 06/11/05 | Blaine Krumpe
The ideas behind the RTS Starship Troopers might have been better suited to the First Person Shooter genre and game developer Strangelite seems to have understood this. Starship Troopers should be hitting store shelves in fall, but we've got a first hand preview of this brand new shooter.
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Full Spectrum Warrior
game: Full Spectrum Warrior
review | 06/01/05 | George Holomshek
Full Spectrum Warrior found a home on the PS2 substantially later than it did on either the Xbox or the PC. This strategic military game puts you in control of two squads of fighters battling terrorists is a foreign land. How well has the gameplay held up since we first saw it on the Xbox? Check out our review to find out exactly what you can expect to find in this solid title.
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E3 2005: Kameo: Elements of Power
game: E3 2005: Kameo: Elements of Power
preview | 05/27/05 | Eric Bodrero
One of the Xbox 360 titles that Microsoft was demonstrating at this year's E3 was Kameo: Elements of Power. Originally announced for the GameCube, then the Xbox, and finally settling on the Xbox 360 as an exclusive, this massive adventure title will help launch the new system. With huge battles involving thousands of enemy A.I. and a style that looks to target the Zelda-fan demographic, Kameo is one to watch. Check out our E3 2005 preview.
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E3 2005: Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented
game: E3 2005: Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented
preview | 05/25/05 | Laurie Taylor
In terms of fear and clever design, the Fatal Frame series is very possibly the most successful trilogy of horror games ever created. Brilliantly introduced in the first Fatal Frame, and refined with the introduction of the first-person view in Fatal Frame 2, the series is looking to once again scare gamers with Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented, due out later this year. Take a look at what the new title has to offer in this E3 preview.
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E3 2005: Call of Cthulhu: Destiny's End
game: E3 2005: Call of Cthulhu: Destiny's End
preview | 05/24/05 | Laurie Taylor
Few things can lay claim to influencing the horror genre over the years as strongly as Lovecraft's dark tales of the unknown. The malformed shapes of the enemies in games like Silent Hill owe a debt to those creatures that first made an appearance in the mind of H.P. Lovecraft. Now, a game is coming that's using Lovecraft as source material directly. Read our E3 preview of Call of Cthulhu for an inside look at what you'll want to be afraid of in the coming months.
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E3 2005: Star Wars Battlefront II
game: E3 2005: Star Wars Battlefront II
preview | 05/23/05 | Blaine Krumpe
The original Star Wars: Battlefront allowed players to experience their favorite Star Wars locations from the eyelevel of the troops on the ground. Whether you played on the side of light or the side of dark didn't matter; you were sure to enjoy using the weapons of Star Wars to battle it out in a galaxy far, far away. LucasArts was kind enough to take us behind closed doors down at E3 2005 and show us the goodies of the next game in the franchise, cleverly named Star Wars: Battlefront II. What are they doing to make a great game better? How about some space battles? Read Blaine's preview for more details on what you can expect.
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E3 2005: Okami
game: E3 2005: Okami
preview | 05/20/05 | Laurie Taylor
Capcom\'s Okami blends watercolor fluidity with a mythologized storyline to create a beautiful and immersive game. To get the full effect of the game\'s beauty, you have to see it in motion and actually try out the blend of action and painting, but you can get the next best thing in Laurie\'s preview.
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Act of War: Direct Action
game: Act of War: Direct Action
review | 05/14/05 | Eric Bodrero
If you've been craving a quality RPS game - with beautiful graphics, good story, and great gameplay - Act of War might be for you. This detailed and intricate strategy game uses many of the established norms in terms of features, but mixes them up well enough that they're still fun to play without shaking things up too much. Be sure to read our full review for the inside details on what makes this game work, and what makes it worth your time.
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Ubicom StreamEngine
game: Ubicom StreamEngine
preview | 05/11/05 | Shawn Rider
Ubicom's StreamEngine is a standalone device for network traffic shaping. That means, it's a little box you can plugin to your network so your Bit Torrent Downloads don't interfere with your online gaming. We were lucky to get a little time with an early demo unit, and so far it's looking good. Check it out in this preview.
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Midnight Club III: DUB Edition
game: Midnight Club III: DUB Edition
review | 05/11/05 | Chris Martin
The tuner scene isn't going away anytime soon. Neither, then, are tuner games. Rockstar San Diego breathes some new life into their Midnight Club series with DUB Edition. Read the review to find out why it deserves your hard earned money.
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Batman Begins
game: Batman Begins
preview | 05/09/05 | George Holomshek
Movies and video games have not been incredibly kind to the Batman franchise over the years. While some of the blockbuster productions turned out to be better than others, fans of the series have longed for a darker, deeper look at what makes a man parade around in leather armor and a bat cap. Now, Batman Begins promises to give fans a glimpse of Batman's roots, and the game promises to have a much stronger stealth and fear element to it than past games. An all-new Batman seems to be hiding in the shadows, and we can only hope that the new one will be capable of kicking the old one's ass. Check out our preview for more details.
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Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
game: Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
review | 05/07/05 | Tristan Mayshark
Released just eight months after Doom 3, this expansion is not completely without flaws, but is pretty to look at, satisfying to play, and adds some much needed variety to Doom 3. It also addresses your character's original inability to wield a flashlight and a weapon at the same time. You don't get to be any more ambidextrous than last time around, but at one point you'll find yourself with a flashlight stuck to your forehead. It's not quite as ideal a solution as using duck tape to strap the light to your gun, but it's a step in the right direction. Check out the full review for more details.
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Phantom Dust
game: Phantom Dust
review | 04/30/05 | Chris Martin
If you're a fan of the unusual, Phantom Dust offers one of the most unique experiences on the Xbox. Developed to appeal to the Japanese market, this anime-influenced title is stylish, odd, and addicting. As a game unique in the American market, this budget title will devour hours of time for the people willing to give it a shot despite a style that is decidedly outside the mainstream. Read our full review for details.
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