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Search for 'PS' returned 635 results.

Actiontec 54 Mbps Wireless Bridge
game: Actiontec 54 Mbps Wireless Bridge
review | 07/15/05 | Chris Martin
Actiontec has been making wireless bridges for a long time, but none so small and sleek as the Actiontec 54 Mbps Wireless Router. We've tested it, we've played with it, we've even yelled at it. We've got the scoop here!
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Developers, Hug a Modder
Articles Archive | 07/08/05 | Aaron Stanton
Timesplitters Future Perfect has the best Xbox Live feature of any game on the market, and it has nothing to do with how well the voice chat works or whether or not you can play capture the castle. It's the ability for players to build and upload their own maps for download on Xbox Live. Aaron takes a moment to call on the next generation of gaming to go a step beyond that, and figure out how to integrate player created content into the console world, starting with Ghost Recon 3.
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game: Psychonauts
review | 07/06/05 | Chris Martin
This year, a number of great titles have appeared, but none have gotten us as stir-crazy as the newest intellectual property from game writer and director Tim Schafer. Psychonauts is one of the most enjoyable games to come around in a long time; find out why inside.
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twoplayer comic: Inside Nintendo
| 06/27/05 | Aaron Stanton
We go inside Nintendo this week to find what they\'re really hiding about the Nintendo Revolution. In the process, we destroy the world. Opps. Inside Nintendo is this week\'s twoplayer comic.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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Alan Wake Preview
game: Alan Wake
preview | 06/22/05 | Monica Hafer
Alan Wake was one of the standout games of E3 2005 (not to mention the dreamiest of male gaming characters). Featuring a psychological thriller storyline and amazing night/day and physics effects, this is a game unlike most others. Unfortunately, Remedy does not even have a publisher for this title. Our gal, Monica, has the details here.
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Scooby-Doo! Unmasked
game: Scooby-Doo! Unmasked
preview | 06/17/05 | Eric Bodrero
For anyone that grew up - or are currently growing up - on the antics of Scooby-Doo, you'll be happy to hear that there's a new Scooby-Doo title coming this fall. Set for release on the GameCube, PS2, Xbox, and GBA, you can expect to be controlling Scooby through some really impressive looking cartoon levels. Take a look at this preview for an idea of what you can expect when this title hits the shelves.
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Elitism in Gaming (and the business model that supports it)
Articles Archive | 06/14/05 | Monica Hafer
The growth of the video game industry and the acceptance of gaming into mainstream society has brought about both positives and negatives. Companies like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft drive technology forward, but how does that leave the small, independent developers that helped give this industry its footing? An interview with Stardock reveals that there's a lot of spunk left in the independent market, and perhaps a healthier business model than the one currently driving the big boys.
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Doom 3
game: Doom 3
review | 06/07/05 | Laurie Taylor
Doom 3, love it or hate it, brought with it a new dimension to the series and a new benchmark in graphics. The PC version was a straight up, linear, slaughter-fest. The XBox version is boasting co-op multiplayer over LIVE, so how does this Doom stack up? Laurie has the scoop.
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E3 2005: Destroy All Humans!
game: E3 2005: Destroy All Humans!
preview | 06/02/05 | Eric Bodrero
Many of the games we see at E3 won't be available to play for months and months following the show. Others show up pretty much the day we head home. Destroy All Humans is a title we here at GamesFirst have been looking forward to since seeing it at E3 2004, and now it's only a few weeks from release. Check out our last minute E3 impressions of this soon to be released title.
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E3 2005: F.E.A.R. - First Encounter Assault Recon
game: E3 2005: F.E.A.R. - First Encounter Assault Recon
preview | 06/01/05 | Blaine Krumpe
There are few things more mysterious than secret government research facilities. Whether it's the combination of the unknown, the possibility of really bizarre experiments going on, or the fact that a lot of them seem to be underground, government research labs gone bad claim their share of would-be horror games, and spark the imagination. F.E.A.R., an upcoming horror FPS, ventures once again into the depths of a government lab in search of answers. Can it hold up in a genre weighted by competition? Our man Blaine reports his thoughts after some hands-on at E3.
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Full Spectrum Warrior
game: Full Spectrum Warrior
review | 06/01/05 | George Holomshek
Full Spectrum Warrior found a home on the PS2 substantially later than it did on either the Xbox or the PC. This strategic military game puts you in control of two squads of fighters battling terrorists is a foreign land. How well has the gameplay held up since we first saw it on the Xbox? Check out our review to find out exactly what you can expect to find in this solid title.
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E3 2005: X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse
game: E3 2005: X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse
preview | 05/30/05 | George Holomshek
X-Men Legends was a popular title, and X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse looks to be a significant improvement. New features and gameplay elements should satisfy both hardcore X-Men fans as well as the general gaming audience.
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E3 2005: Onimusha Dawn of Dreams
game: E3 2005: Onimusha Dawn of Dreams
preview | 05/30/05 | Laurie Taylor
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams is more of the same and a little something different. With no characters modeled on real actors (alive or dead), this incarnation focuses on the gameplay and the basic features fans of the series love.
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E3 2005: Aeon Flux: A First Look
game: E3 2005: Aeon Flux: A First Look
preview | 05/28/05 | Monica Hafer
Aeon Flux has become a cult phenomenon. With a movie and a game launching almost simultaneously, we'll have enough fluxifaction to sustain even a city park full of fanboys (and girls). We have first impressions of the game directly from the E3 floor and Monica talked with game Producer Raymond Holmes about the title.
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E3 2005: Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented
game: E3 2005: Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented
preview | 05/25/05 | Laurie Taylor
In terms of fear and clever design, the Fatal Frame series is very possibly the most successful trilogy of horror games ever created. Brilliantly introduced in the first Fatal Frame, and refined with the introduction of the first-person view in Fatal Frame 2, the series is looking to once again scare gamers with Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented, due out later this year. Take a look at what the new title has to offer in this E3 preview.
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