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08/20/05 | | Eric Bodrero
Generally, \"movie\" video games fare rather poorly, as has been the case for years, but with some recent standouts, especially in the comic-to- movie-to- game adaptation category, there\'s a growing precedent for quality. So does Fantastic Four break the mold, or fall victim to yet another rushjob? Grab your spandex and jump on in for your answer.

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08/20/05 | | Eric Bodrero
It seems at least once or twice a year we get a new wrestling game, which is great for fans, but what does WWE Wrestlemania 21 have over the countless other wrestling games? Find out if it has what it takes to pin the competition, or if it gets hurled from the top turnbuckle.

08/16/05 | | Blaine Krumpe
Microsoft is back with the sequel to the old hotness, Dungeon Siege II. Is it all that Diablo and a bag of chips? Blaine seems to like it OK. We locked him in a room and didn\'t let him come out until he beat Elite mode. Read on for the results.

08/15/05 | | Laurie Taylor
Conker was pretty much mindblowing when it came out for the N64. Of course, that was back in the day when GTA looked a lot like playing with Matchbox cars. Now that the gratuituous naughty humor is a bit more common in gaming, how does everyone\'s favorite raunchy squirrel hold up? Check Laurie\'s review for more.

08/15/05 | | Blaine Krumpe
Dragonball Z: Sagas is out now for the big three consoles, and, well, it\'s another Dragonball game. Unfortunately, we\'ve seen power levels much higher than this in the past, and, well, Blaine will break the news to you as gently as possible in his review.

08/04/05 | | Blaine Krumpe
category: archive
Graphics are not everything. In fact, in an ideal world, gameplay would trump graphics every time. Find an old NES at a pawn shop and go through some of the classics, and you'll find that some of the older games are still fantastic, even if they do look like they were made in the 1980s. Sometimes, modern games that deserve notice don't get them because of a little less polish in the eye candy department. Supreme Ruler 2010 might not be the best looking game in the world, but it's certainly worth playing. Take a look at our review if you're a fan of strategy games.

08/01/05 | | Shawn Rider
Space Pirates is another of the video-based videogames released by American Lasergames for systems like 3DO, Phillips CD-I, and Sega CD. Digital Leisure has been reissuing these games formatted for any DVD-capable system, including PC, Mac, DVD players, Xbox, and PS2. Designed to play with a light gun or a DVD remote, this title attempts to make anything with a DVD into a game system. Check out the review to see if this is one to put on your must-play list this summer.

07/29/05 | | Shawn Rider
category: archive
Destroy All Humans puts you in control of a one-man alien army bent on pure human-based carnage. With a wise eye towards classic Sci-Fi B movies and a good amount of carnage-creation tools, this is one for all the SF geeks in the house.

07/26/05 | | Chris Martin
category: archive
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has really been getting headlines lately. We hear the Hot Coffee sequence is unlockable on the Xbox version, too, so you can adjust your personal scores accordingly, after you check out our review wherein we discuss everything else about San Andreas on Xbox.

07/15/05 | | Chris Martin
category: archive
Actiontec has been making wireless bridges for a long time, but none so small and sleek as the Actiontec 54 Mbps Wireless Router. We've tested it, we've played with it, we've even yelled at it. We've got the scoop here!

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