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Search for 'PS' returned 635 results.
game: Soul Calibur III
preview | 04/27/05 | Chris Martin
What do we know about Soul Calibur III? Well, not much, actually. But we've been scrounging around the net and found some of the dirt on Namco's PlayStation 2 exclusive follow-up to the PS2, XBOX, and GameCube smash hit. Read on to find out...
game: Is TimeSplitters: Future Perfect Really Perfect?
review | 04/20/05 | Steffan Del Piano
With the word "perfect" in the game's title EA is aiming high. Does the latest TimeSplitters game hit its mark or miss miserably?
game: Lumines
review | 04/14/05 | Shawn Rider
Lumines is the hipster puzzle game for the PSP that's got everyone tripping out on rave-tastic visuals and bumping techno beats. But Shawn is here to say that for all those non-raver, techno-hating gamers out there, Lumines is still a dang fun puzzle game. And you can still trip out on the graphics without dressing like a candy bar.
game: Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade
review | 04/13/05 | Shawn Rider
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade is a hack-and-slash dungeon crawling RPG that brings classic Diablo-style gameplay to your PSP. It's got great graphics, a deep character development system, and is pretty much a hoot to play with friends. But like so many RPG protagonists, it is as flawed as it is brilliant. Curse the darkness, or get the light right here.
game: Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix
review | 04/12/05 | Gary Wong
If there's a console, odds are, there'll be a Tony Hawk game for it. Sure enough, the Sony PSP launched with Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix. How does it compare to the console versions and past portable attempts? What exactly makes this game a remix. Well, you'll just have to read the review to find out.
game: Brothers in Arms: The Road to Hill 30
review | 04/07/05 | Chris Martin
In a genre crowded with other titles based on similar concepts, how can a World War II FPS distinguish itself? In Brothers in Arms' case, you simply craft an experience with such detail and attention to the atmosphere of war that the player can't help but feel the bullets zipping by their head. Put aside all those other games that try to offer authentic WWII fighting experience; no one does the job quite as well as Gearbox Software's Brothers in Arms: The Road to Hill 30. Be sure to read the full review.
game: Project: Snowblind
review | 04/02/05 | Chris Martin
When the Deus Ex series disappeared, many of its play dynamics made their way into a new beast altogether: Project Snowblind. Does this new development line manage to fix the problems that bogged Invisible War without loosing the flavor of the cult franchise? Is there any reminisce of the Deus Ex that we know and love lurking down inside? Chris takes us down into the world of Project Snowblind for a look at all the things that bio-mods and technology can do to a war.
game: Xitel SoundAROUND
review | 03/27/05 | Aaron Stanton
Xitel's SoundAROUND is a nifty little device with big claims. The SoundAROUND attempts to create a rich 3D surround sound environment capable of competing with a 5.1 speaker system, but using only two speakers. At the same time that it tries to trick your brain into hearing sounds from behind you when there are no sounds there, it ups the bass without overdriving your speakers. Is it magic? Does it work? Read our review to see how well the actual unit compares to the one Xitel advertises.
Articles Archive | 03/22/05 | Jason Frank
So you want a PSP, but your wife says, "No." Such is the predicament for many grown men eagerly waiting for Thursday's launch of the PSP. "But wait," you say, "isn't the PSP an all-in-one marvel of modern technology that pretty much does it all? That huge feature set MUST help us convince our significant others how much the unit will benefit by having a PSP..." Check out Jason Frank's valiant attempt in this editorial.
game: Tekken 5
review | 03/20/05 | Eric Qualls
Tekken has been around for ten years now and Namco is celebrating by releasing the best game the series has seen so far. Tekken 5 is fast, fun, easy to get into, and is a joy to play for hardcore fighting fans and newbies alike. Read our full review.
game: Cops 2170: The Power Of Law
review | 03/19/05 | Eric Bodrero
When a game touts mechanical rats capable of shooting at you, it's either a sign of genius, guts, or both on the part of the developer. In the case of Cops 2170, it's just the second; the combination of poor play dynamics and a few key design decisions leave the game with less of a positive punch than we could have hoped. If there is genius here, a few more months of development time before releasing the game onto the public might have made it more apparent. Read our full review to learn more.
game: The King of Fighters 2002/2003
review | 03/09/05 | Eric Qualls
SNK rocks it old school and delivers a solid two disk set that should get any 2D fighting fan excited. The King of Fighters is all about deep combat and interesting characters, and the 2002 and 2003 versions have all of that plus some new twists to keep you hooked. Read our full review.
game: The Punisher
review | 03/02/05 | Monica Hafer
If you're looking for a night of good, clean fun, The Punisher is probably not where you want to start. This dark conversion of the comic-turned movie is another example of comic book plotlines making it to the small screen, and the result is a game that lets you torture bad guys until they spill the beans, but barely interact with pretty much anyone or anything else. Though there's some real talent in the production values, some serious lack of depth keeps it from being all the kick-ass it could be. Read the full review for details.
game: Mercury
preview | 03/01/05 | George Holomshek
Marble Madness for the NES was one of the most addictive, frustrating games of all time. When everything from a half-inch fall to a giant green slinky can represent a danger, it's easy to end up dead. Now, Mercury comes to the PSP with an up-to-date version of the play dynamic that made Marble Madness so hard to put down. With a complex physics engine, beautiful graphics, and multi-player support, Mercury might be one of the games to keep an eye on when the PSP launches at the end of March.
game: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
review | 02/24/05 |
Knights of the Old Republic II finds itself in the difficult position of trying to improve on one of the best games in recent years. The result is a game built on tried and true game dynamics, a darker emphasis than the original, and a new story that takes you from Star Wars planet to Star Wars planet, but doesn't break ground and drops you at the end. A blast to play, but missing a little bit of that special magic that was captured in the first, KotoRII might not rock your world. David has the inside scoop.
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