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05/07/05 | | Tristan Mayshark
category: archive
Released just eight months after Doom 3, this expansion is not completely without flaws, but is pretty to look at, satisfying to play, and adds some much needed variety to Doom 3. It also addresses your character's original inability to wield a flashlight and a weapon at the same time. You don't get to be any more ambidextrous than last time around, but at one point you'll find yourself with a flashlight stuck to your forehead. It's not quite as ideal a solution as using duck tape to strap the light to your gun, but it's a step in the right direction. Check out the full review for more details.

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04/30/05 | | Chris Martin
category: archive
If you're a fan of the unusual, Phantom Dust offers one of the most unique experiences on the Xbox. Developed to appeal to the Japanese market, this anime-influenced title is stylish, odd, and addicting. As a game unique in the American market, this budget title will devour hours of time for the people willing to give it a shot despite a style that is decidedly outside the mainstream. Read our full review for details.

04/25/05 | |
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The Matrix Online is based on a series of movies that are renowned for their fast-paced and choreographed fight scenes. Can a massively multiplayer title possibly hope to convey that same intensity? Can a franchise so dependent on the style of its combat make a good showing in a game that pulls the real-time action in favor of a turn-based system? Find out what our man Larson has to say after experiencing TMO in the weeks before and after its launch.

04/21/05 | | Chris Martin
category: archive
The long-awaited sequel to the reigning king of racing simulations is finally here, but is Gran Turismo 4 everything you ever wanted? Refined graphics, updated offerings, and some spiffy tweaks make it appealing, but what about the AI, the lack of some significant licenses, and no online multiplayer support? Check the details for our lowdown.

04/20/05 | | Steffan Del Piano
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With the word "perfect" in the game's title EA is aiming high. Does the latest TimeSplitters game hit its mark or miss miserably?

04/14/05 | | Shawn Rider
game: Lumines
category: archive
Lumines is the hipster puzzle game for the PSP that's got everyone tripping out on rave-tastic visuals and bumping techno beats. But Shawn is here to say that for all those non-raver, techno-hating gamers out there, Lumines is still a dang fun puzzle game. And you can still trip out on the graphics without dressing like a candy bar.

04/13/05 | | Shawn Rider
category: archive
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade is a hack-and-slash dungeon crawling RPG that brings classic Diablo-style gameplay to your PSP. It's got great graphics, a deep character development system, and is pretty much a hoot to play with friends. But like so many RPG protagonists, it is as flawed as it is brilliant. Curse the darkness, or get the light right here.

04/12/05 | | Gary Wong
category: archive
If there's a console, odds are, there'll be a Tony Hawk game for it. Sure enough, the Sony PSP launched with Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix. How does it compare to the console versions and past portable attempts? What exactly makes this game a remix. Well, you'll just have to read the review to find out.

04/07/05 | | Chris Martin
category: archive
In a genre crowded with other titles based on similar concepts, how can a World War II FPS distinguish itself? In Brothers in Arms' case, you simply craft an experience with such detail and attention to the atmosphere of war that the player can't help but feel the bullets zipping by their head. Put aside all those other games that try to offer authentic WWII fighting experience; no one does the job quite as well as Gearbox Software's Brothers in Arms: The Road to Hill 30. Be sure to read the full review.

04/02/05 | | Chris Martin
category: archive
When the Deus Ex series disappeared, many of its play dynamics made their way into a new beast altogether: Project Snowblind. Does this new development line manage to fix the problems that bogged Invisible War without loosing the flavor of the cult franchise? Is there any reminisce of the Deus Ex that we know and love lurking down inside? Chris takes us down into the world of Project Snowblind for a look at all the things that bio-mods and technology can do to a war.

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