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Search for 'TV' returned 39 results.

game: Transformers
preview | 05/01/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
For those of you like me who used to watch the old series on TV, Transformers the game is just days away from its scheduled release. Pull up a chair, sit down with Eric, and take a look at what the man has to say in this hands-on preview.
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Remember the 80s?
Articles Archive | 04/02/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
With 80's retro in full bloom, it's hard not to feel nostalgic about the music, TV, and most importantly, games from the decade of decadence. Ok, well, it's harder for some than it is for others. Monica ponders what makes some old-school games cool and others just old. Click here for musings on culture and the love of games.
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Sony Eye Toy Preview
game: Sony Eye Toy
preview | 06/14/03 | Monica Hafer
Sony unveiled their Eye Toy at E3. It\'s basically a hi-res webcam that perches on top of your TV set to \'put\' you in the game. Right now it plays a dozen simple titles that are mostly hardware demos. We can\'t wait to use it for those late night sultry gamer webchats... I\'ll bet GTfan4798 is just as hot as he sounds...
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Eye Toy
game: Eye Toy
preview | 06/14/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Sony unveiled their Eye Toy at E3. It's basically a hi-res webcam that perches on top of your TV set to 'put' you in the game. Right now it plays a dozen simple titles that are mostly hardware demos. We can't wait to use it for those late night sultry gamer webchats... I'll bet GTfan4798 is just as hot as he sounds... Click here for more.
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Wavebird Wireless Controller Review
game: Wavebird Wireless Controller
review | 08/30/02 | Jason Frank
Nintendo\'s Wavebird Wireless Controller is a serious blessing for Gamecube owners. Featuring the solid construction and quality performance we\'ve come to expect from the Big N, this bad boy will have you sitting 25 feet back from your TV, juggling dinner, homework, and Mario Sunshine all at the same time. Click for the review.
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Altec Lansing XA3021 Speakers Review
game: Altec Lansing XA3021 Speakers
review | 07/26/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
Altec Lansing is making a big push this year in the console gaming slash home theater arena. Their XA3021 speaker setup enhances your TV sound, adding some booming bass and nice mids and highs. At $100, this setup dominates its price range. Plus, that subwoofer looks like a bomb. How cool is that? Click here.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Preview (Xbox)
game: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
preview | 05/30/02 | Monica Hafer
All you cheesball TV fans take heart: Buffy the Vampire Slayer will be coming to an Xbox near you this summer. Buffy\'s trademark gymkata style of fighting, all of her cohorts good and evil, and a load of cheesy dialogue juxtaposed with quick action make this one for the fans to clamor about. Details are right over here.
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EDITORIAL - The Plight of Dreamcast Networking in Third-World-Net Cities
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Obviously, the internet capabilities of the Dreamcast”combined with its superior processor apparatus”give it an edge far sharper than any system to break in the last forever many years. You thought, perhaps, that you had maximized the possibilities of your couch when you finally found the Dukes of Hazzard TV tray you had been looking for the last ten years, or installed the Molson-stocked mini-fridge next to your remote control caddy. But now, Sega has introduced the possibility of leisurely strolling through the internet from that selfsame couch, not to mention given you the option to play console games on-line with friends who are similarly devoted to their domestic sitting arrangements.
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Articles Archive | 09/09/99 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Today is the day. They are calling it "the biggest day in entertainment history." Why? The release of Sega's Dreamcast and Final Fantasy VIII. These momentous events, coupled with MTV's Video Music Awards, whose viewers will be barraged with Dreamcast advertisements, make it a pretty good day. With perhaps the largest cult following of any current series, Final Fantasy VIII is already blowing the minds of faithful denizens. The success of the latest FF installment was never in doubt. Sales will rise exponentially as the holiday season approaches. In fact, schoolyard gossip could spark a remarkable rise in sales this weekend. But what about Sega?
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