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Search for 'evolution' returned 77 results.
game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
news | 12/28/05 | Shawn Rider
According to NGC Magazine, and reported by Game Daily, the upcoming Legend of Zelda title, Twilight Princess, will be playable with the Nintendo Revolution controller. This news has not been confirmed by Nintendo, and Twilight Princess will still be officially released for the Gamecube. According to Games Radar, the online affiliate of NGC Magazine (a print magazine published in the UK, US, and Japan), Twilight Princess will support a radical new control style if played on the Nintendo Revolution console with its unique controller.
podcast | 12/16/05 | Val Townsend
Val Townsend, the Atomic Goddess, is back again with lucky podcast number 13. This week, we take a look at the latest news, including speculation on Nintendo\'s recently hinted \"secret\" regarding the upcoming Revolution console, as well as Clinton and Lieberman\'s Family Entertainment Protection Act. We also have reviews of Perfect Dark Zero and King Kong. Finally, we take a look at Dreamcatcher Interactive\'s cult-hit Painkiller, coming to an Xbox near you in January. Download the latest audio offering from your pals at GF! right here.
news | 12/11/05 | Shawn Rider
Konami has announced that they will begin selling their products directly to customers via their new online storefront, The online storefront launches with a catalog of 75 Konami titles, including fan-favorite franchises Castlevania, Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Yu-Gi Oh, and Dance Dance Revolution. The move to a direct-sales website will also open up possibilities for Konami to offer customer incentive and reward programs, which Konami hopes will help maintain a community of loyal gamers around the publisher\'s many games.
game: Revolution
news | 12/06/05 | George Holomshek
At a recent appearance in front of Japan\'s Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference, famed Nintendo game designer, Shigeru Miyamoto, stunned the audience with a single comment about the upcoming Nintendo Revolution: \"There\'s another secret.\" Miyamoto offered no further explanation, but the last secret Nintendo had kept from us was the Revolution\'s controller, and that was undoubtedly huge news. So what else could Nintendo have up their sleeve? George gathers the scant details and tries to put together some theories right here.
game: Nintendo Revolution
news | 11/28/05 | Shawn Rider
The Revolution is shaping up to be a phenomenal console, what with built-in emulation for every previous Nintendo console, downloadable retro games, online gaming, and a unique controller that has spawned huge debates about the future of gaming. Kotaku has gotten the early word on Nintendo\'s E3 Press Conference, which will be held May 9, 2006. The letter from Nintendo refers to \"our next home console, code-named Revolution,\" which has us wondering if we won\'t hear about the long-rumored console name-change. In addition, Kotaku points us to an article on Revolution Report about a patent application that defines an interface not unlike the Xbox Dashboard. Click on over and get the advanced word. We\'ll follow all of these assertions as details unfold.
feature | 11/12/05 | Matt James
Matt\'s back with another bag full of the good stuff. This time through the Mailbag we\'ve got some more comments about the revolution controller (they just don\'t stop), a bit of \"debate\" about the veracity of the website, and once again GamesFirst! exhibits deft diplomatic skillZ and averts yet another potential international conflict. No thanks necessary. That\'s what we\'re here for.
news | 11/11/05 | Shawn Rider
Danc from Lost Garden ruffled a lot of feathers with his article about Nintendo\'s Revolution controller a couple months ago (as did all the greatest gaming websites). Now he\'s come out again with another sharp bit of criticism and advice for the industry: Broaden your horizons, or remain a niche form of entertainment. It\'s easy to forget about how few gamers there really are when we put ourselves into communities where everyone shares our interests. Why is there such a crisis about getting women involved in gaming? Because ultimately, the games industry cannot survive if it does not diversify, both in the people who make games and in the people who play games. Danc\'s article is an absolute must-read for anyone who truly loves games.
game: Revolution
news | 10/29/05 | Aaron Stanton
With the Xbox 360 only a few weeks away, the next generation consoles are about to begin the process of officially becoming this generation. With all the energy building up around the pending 360 release, it\'s not surprising that the Nintendo faithfull are speculating about what their system is going to play like. We\'ve all seen video, but very few have had any chance to really sit down with the Nintendo controller. Well, one creative gamer assembled a Nintendo Revolution controller out of pieces and parts of computer equipment he had around the house. Then he played Half-Life 2 with it. Then posted instructions and videos.
game: Gekido: The Dark Angel
news | 10/17/05 | Shawn Rider
Naps Team, an indy beat \'em up developer, has announced Gekido: The Dark Angel for PSP. We would normally wait until we had much more information before talking about a game, but we remember the action of the PSOne version of Gekido, and the crazy GBA version of the game, too. These are evolutions of a classic genre, beefed up but still feeling very comfortable. In a way, Gekido can be to beat \'em ups what Guilty Gear is to fighting games, and this PSP title might just be the breakout installment in the series that gets gamers to pay attention. We\'ll keep up with Gekido\'s development, and in the meantime you can check out these teaser screens from developer Naps Team.
editorial | 10/16/05 | Matt James
Matt James is back with the mailbag, and after the mountain of email we got regarding our very non-controversial views on the Nintendo Revolution controller, we\'ve got to hand it to him: He carried that whole big bag up the stairs himself and didn\'t even strain anything. This is a classic edition of the GF! Mailbag: Gamers get fanatical about their hardware, and it\'s amazing how many people are driven to put their thought down although they have very little imagination or vision for how games could be even better than they already are. We\'ve said it before and we\'ll say it again: Sales figures are a false indication of quality.
news | 10/09/05 | Aaron Stanton
BBC News is reporting that sales of the GameCube have dropped substantially in the US, and while the DS and GB Micro have sold well, development costs for the Nintendo Revolution have taken a serious toll on Nintendo\'s operating profits. Pre-tax income for the company has fallen nearly 41% since June, according to BBC. This still makes them more financially stable than Sony, which has posted substantial losses over recent years. Though they\'re making less money now, they are still operating at a substantial profit. Microsoft loses money on its Xbox division, but props up the operation with profits from other business ventures.
game: Serious Sam 2
preview | 10/04/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Serious Sam 2 brings more of that classic Sam action to a variety of platforms. Developed by the eccentric Croatian development house, Croteam, Serious Sam is known for bright, colorful graphics, frantic action, and lots and lots of bullets. This time out, we get an evolution of everything, but also a very true-to-roots fragfest that involves some of the most insane monsters we\'ve ever seen. Check out Blaine\'s preview of Serious Sam 2 based on the recently released game demo.
comic | 09/25/05 | Aaron Stanton
The problem with having a controller that looks like a remote control is that millions of people will be obligated to lose it, simply out of principle. That\'s what one does with a remote control. Now that we\'ve seen the R
evolution controller (in a manner of speaking), it\'s time to get the opinion of other members of the community. Check out this week\'s Twoplayer comic,
Revolution Bill of Health.Twoplayer game comics are published every Sunday at
editorial | 09/24/05 | Chris Martin
Microsoft isn\'t one to be left behind in the wake of Nintendo\'s announcement of the Revolution\'s controller. They might not be rolling out a redesigned input device, but it doesn\'t mean they aren\'t being revolutionary. What\'s Microsoft\'s revolution? It\'s Live. Their inclusion of the Live service in every Xbox 360 sold makes it clear that they consider the gaming community itself to be the revolutionary aspect of gaming. Take a moment to read about Microsoft\'s approach to the game industry.
news | 09/22/05 | Aaron Stanton
Chris Kohler, contributor to Wired Magazine, had a chance to take Nintendo\'s R
evolution for a run while he was at the Tokyo Game Show, and he\'s opened himself to questions. He\'s generously
started a thread over on the Gaming-Age forums where he offers to answer people\'s requests for information. While the questions are not always great, Chris\'s responses are very informative, including discussing Metroid and how it felt on the controller. We personally don\'t recommend reading every post on the forum, but we do recommend that you scan down the page looking for every post by Kobun Heat, which is Chris Kohler\'s handle. That\'s where the goodies are.
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