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Search for 'rts' returned 213 results.

Gradius Collection Review
game: Gradius Collection
review | 07/20/06 | Matt James
Konami\'s latest retro anthology, Gradius Collection, brings a long legacy of side-scrolling shooter mayhem to the PSP. For fans of the classic space-cave action Gradius made popular, this is a must-have collection. Sporting some welcome enhancements, including a quick-save feature that helps players reach previously unattainable levels and makes the games more portable-friendly, Gradius Collection is worth checking out to spice up that summertime commute. Matt James has the review right here.
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RTS+RPG=F-U-N, a Review of SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars
game: SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars
review | 07/01/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Blending RPG and RTS elements, SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars puts you in command of an army tasked with defending the known world from utter evil. OK, so the innovation doesn\'t exactly carry through to the narrative plot. Regardless, if you love RPGs and you love real-time strategy, then you will likely love SpellForce 2\'s hybrid. From masses of ground forces to aerial assaulting mythological creatures, SpellForce 2 manages to add a little bit of everything without spoiling the soup. Check out Blaine\'s review here.
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Comparing the CryEngine2 to Real Life
game: Crysis
news | 06/07/06 | Aaron Stanton
Several months ago, a number of EvilGamer.com images began circulating around the web. Released before the launch of the Xbox 360, the images compared PGR3 screenshots to their real-life counterparts out here in the real world. Now there\'s a new image that\'s making the rounds, this time comparing screenshots from Crysis, using the CryEngine2 from CryTek, to two real-world photographs. The results are extremely impressive. Combine these visuals with CryTek\'s insistence that Crysis will push the boundaries of both storytelling and gameplay, and you have a game worth keeping an eye on. Crysis is expected to ship for the PC in the Fall of 2006.
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Ping Pong Renaissance: Table Tennis Review
game: Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis
review | 06/07/06 | Shawn Rider
Rockstar\'s latest title isn\'t a murder simulator or hardcore gangsta shooter. It\'s a pleasant game of Table Tennis, and it\'s really well-done. Rockstar Presents Table Tennis comes from their San Diego studio, well known for creating the Smuggler\'s Run and Midnight Club series. If Table Tennis sounds like a major change of speed, that\'s because it is. But when the results are so much fun, we\'re fine with switching gears. Get the full review here from Shawn.
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Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators Review, or Why 2D Games Still Rock
game: Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators
review | 06/01/06 | Chris Martin
Games like Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Freelancer have become famous for their open-ended and near endless gameplay. With incredibly diverse player choice and a universe that\'s randomly generated each time you start a new campaign, Space Rangers 2 looks to give both titles a run for their money. The 2D RTS/3D Turn-based Strategy/Action title mixes a bit of everything into a game that\'s easily capable of taking on Oblivion in terms of the ability to go anywhere, and do anything. Space Rangers 2 is an unexpected gem that you\'ve probably not heard about, but should have.
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Take Command: 2nd Manassas Review
game: Take Command: 2nd Manassas
review | 05/22/06 | Sean Hilliard
Normally, historical war games cater to the hardcore. Learning to play them takes a significant investment in time, and you\'ll still find yourself losing after hours of gameplay. Now, Mad Minute Games has introduced Take Command: 2nd Manassas, a war game based in the U.S. Civil War that is almost accessible enough for casual gamers. Well, almost. With excellent A.I. that helps keep unwanted micromanagement to a minimum, Take Command: 2nd Manassas offers a solid middle ground between the hardcore and the casual. If you\'re looking to step into the genre of historical RTS, this might not be a bad place to test the water. Get Sean\'s review here.
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Qmotions Shapes Up Gamers With New Sports Peripherals
preview | 05/21/06 | Monica Hafer
For any gamer who wants to get in shape, or who just wants to add a little more movement to their gaming experience, the new additions to the Qmotions family will get you in the game in a completely different way. Featuring the Xboard \"boarding game\" controller, a funky exercise bike controller, and both baseball an golf simulators, Qmotions lineup is looking good. And the best part is, these devices are coming in at realistic prices, which, our friend Monica believes, should open up these possibilities to more mainstream gamers.
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Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday Review
game: Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday
review | 05/21/06 | Sean Hilliard
Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday may not be the casual gamer\'s best intro to the uberhardcore world of wargaming, but it\'s not half bad, either. If you\'re a n00b to the strategy wargame, then you might want to cut your teeth somewhere else. But if you\'re aching for some serious, strategic global warfare, then Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday might be worth your weekend. Get the full review from our shell-shocked reporter, Sean Hilliard.
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Twilight Princess Hands-on with Wii
game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
preview | 05/18/06 | George Holomshek
As if Nintendo fans didn\'t have enough of a hard time: Now their fave franchise will have them twirling and striking with a Wii li\'l controller as they shepherd everyone\'s fave elven man-boy on to victory. Twilight Princess now supports the Wii controller awesomeness that both helps you immerse yourself in the fantasy experience, and helps you look even less cool while playing video games. Behold the awesome glory of gaming innovation! Check George\'s in-depth hands-on write-up in this preview.
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The Future of Xbox Live Arcade: Anywhere Means Mobile
game: Xbox Live
feature | 05/14/06 | Shawn Rider
Xbox Live Anywhere is propelling Microsoft\'s multiplayer gaming community into a whole new realm, bringing it cross-platform in all sorts of cool ways. One of the major new features of the Anywhere service will be a much expanded Xbox Live Arcade, which will offer games on almost every mobile phone and PDA platform. Bringing the reliability, not to mention the try-before-you-buy mentality, of Xbox Live to the mobile gaming experience could be just the thing to get us to take cell phones seriously as a gaming platform. Get the full story here.
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E3 2006 Announcements from LucasArts: Euphoria Jones
feature | 05/14/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
Big things are in store for Indiana Jones. In addition to an upcoming fourth movie, the new game, due out in 2007 from LucasArts features a revolutionary AI system named Euphoria. What\'s so cool about Euphoria? Imagine watching Indiana Jones struggle with all his might to maintain his footing on a shakey rope bridge. Eventually he falls, catching himself on the ropes as he\'s thrown over and pulling himself back onto the bridge as the shaking subsides. Now imagine that you\'re standing at E3 and some guy from LucasArts follows up the awesome animation by telling you that none of what you just saw was animated in advance. Did we just blow your mind? Well, put on on a helmet and check out Jeremy\'s full article for more about this mindblowingly cool new game technology.
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E3 2006 Hands on with Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II for the Xbox 360
preview | 05/14/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
EA\'s Battle for Middle Earth series brings the insanely huge battles of the Lord of the Rings trilogy to the small screen (if you aren\'t blessed like our man Jeremy with a really big monitor). But now EA is set to make Battle for Middle Earth II the first major real-time strategy game to work well on the home console. Previous attempts to bring titles like Starcraft to the game consoles have fallen flat, but after some hands-on time with BFME2, it looks like EA has finally broken through to a working control scheme that should make Xbox 360 owners very happy.
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E3 hands on: Battlefield 2142
game: Battlefield 2142
preview | 05/13/06 | Blaine Krumpe
EA showed off the latest addition to the Battlefield Franchise: Battlefield 2142. This installment adds a little sci-fi flair to the action, but remains true to the roots of the series in its realism and excellent online multiplayer support. We just wish it had some kind of interesting storyline, since the futuristic setting easily allows for the most imaginative (or at least slightly clever) premise of all the Battlefield games. Still, Blaine says we\'ll be able to get over the plot and focus on the action, which is oh-so-sweet. Get the in-depth hands-on preview here.
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Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII Review
game: Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
review | 05/07/06 | Matt James
Ubisoft\'s Blazing Angels has a lot to overcome: It\'s another WWII game, and there was a little game for the original Xbox called Crimson Skies that made \"a bit\" of a splash. Fortunately, it has some spectacular graphics, and the air combat focus opens up parts of the war that are generally not exploited. Still, there are some flaws, and Blazing Angels has proven to be a tricky evaluation for our man, Matt. Check out his review here.
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Pre-E3 2006: Crysis - Storytelling for A New Generation
game: Crysis
preview | 05/05/06 | Chris Martin
\"What makes a game, Mr. Yerli? Is it having the best graphics, no matter the cost? Is that what makes a game?...\" (Kudos if you know the homage). Even though Crysis, CryTek\'s newest project for the PC, has graphics that will drop your jaw, CryTek CEO Cevat Yerli has made it clear that they have no intentions of letting it become another FarCry: Instincts. Just like Half-Life became famous partly for its in-game use of storytelling, Crysis hopes to stand out for more than just its great graphics and gameplay. CryTek hopes to shed the image of producing video games with B-Movie storylines; they\'re aiming to offer next generation storytelling for a new generation of gaming.
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