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Search for 'sega' returned 39 results.

Panzer Dragoon Orta Preview
game: Panzer Dragoon Orta
preview | 11/17/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Sega\'s hit Panzer Dragoon series is getting the next generation treatment. Panzer Dragoon Orta looks to be the most amazing in a series of amazing titles. Pushing the graphical limits of the Xbox (or does it?) and providing a thrilling 3D shooter experience, we can\'t wait to get this one home with us.
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Bam! Entertainment Enters Xbox Market
news | 09/21/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Bam! Entertainment, headed up by former Sega leader Bernie Stolar, claims the honor of being the first publisher to release a title developed through the Microsoft Incubator Program. Chase: Hollywood Stunt Driver is the title, and it looks much better than that other stunt driving game that came out. Plus, it\'s developed by the only African dev house making games for the Xbox. That\'s a bit of trivia if we ever heard it. Click here.
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Virtua Fighter 4 Review (PS2)
game: Virtua Fighter 4
review | 06/11/02 | Eric Qualls
Sure, sure, it\'s a couple of months old, but what the hell -- you\'ll like our review better because it has the benefit of time and space. Eric doesn\'t just want to review Virtua Fighter 4, but also to situate it in the broader scheme of fighting games. Also, it took him two months to get anywhere in the game because it\'s so damn hard. But that\'s something other reviewers will hide. Not us. Click here.
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Back to the Front: The Console Wars Go Online
Articles Archive | 05/29/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
One of the ubiquitous topics of E3 this year was online gaming. Specifically, online gaming for consoles was in the air and not since Sega announced SegaNet has there been more interest in the topic. Of course, SegaNet taught us quite a few things “ most importantly that it is possible and enjoyable to play console titles online. It also taught us that a lot can be done with a 56.6 Kb connection and that it is essential to allow groups of local players to take on groups of remote players. SegaNet gave us so much, and many of us Dreamcast fanboys felt more than a twinge of sadness at the death of the system, which didn't wither into old age, but was rather sacrificed for the greater good of the parent company. I can picture the Dreamcast kneeling before a row of Sega execs, knife poised at his chest, "I am sorry I have failed to bring Sega out of the pit it had dug well before I was conceived. Forgiveness, please?"

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Sega Announces New Strategy
Articles Archive | 01/31/01 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Peter Moore, President and Chief Operating Officer for Sega of America, held a press teleconference this morning to detail Sega of America's plans for 2001 and to comment on Sega's worldwide strategy. In addition to announcing a new $99 price tag for Dreamcast beginning February 4 (the Sega Smash Pack will now be priced at $119), the company has decided on some strategies to move Sega from a lagging hardware manufacturer, to a "top of the heap" software developer and publisher. Moore outlined a three-pronged approach that will go into effect April 1 this year and continue through at least March of 2002. The basic approach involves the following:

Sega is now a "platform agnostic" third-party game developer/publisher.
Sega will license the DC chipset.
Sega will focus on network strengths.
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EDITORIAL - The Plight of Dreamcast Networking in Third-World-Net Cities
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Obviously, the internet capabilities of the Dreamcast”combined with its superior processor apparatus”give it an edge far sharper than any system to break in the last forever many years. You thought, perhaps, that you had maximized the possibilities of your couch when you finally found the Dukes of Hazzard TV tray you had been looking for the last ten years, or installed the Molson-stocked mini-fridge next to your remote control caddy. But now, Sega has introduced the possibility of leisurely strolling through the internet from that selfsame couch, not to mention given you the option to play console games on-line with friends who are similarly devoted to their domestic sitting arrangements.
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EDITORIAL - Why You Didn't Buy a Sega Dreamcast... But Should
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
In the grand scheme of things the Dreamcast hasn't sold as well as it could have and I don't think there's any real mystery as to why this is so. A lot of people felt like they got burnt by the Saturn and they've lost faith in Sega's ability to deliver the goods. Gamers coughed up 299 bucks to take a stroll through the next generation system, but then a little something called the PlayStation showed up and preceded to whoop Sega's ass all up and down the isles of your local videogame store. When Resident Evil came out it gave gamers an experience they'd never had before and the Saturn was on the ropes. Sony landed jabs and uppercuts and if you listened closely you could hear bones breaking. Final Fantasy VII rolled out and "Fatality" echoed in the background. FFVII helped sell a bajillion more Playstations, and the Saturn basically just disappeared. When the dust settled and the blood was mopped up Sony was the undisputed champion of the console world and Sega's mangled remains were unceremoniously kicked aside, and the videogame world moved on.
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Sega Takes it Online
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
One of the promises of the Dreamcast was Internet connectivity right out of the box. Sega realized early on that consumers not only want to game online, but to have easy access to web sites, email, and the plethora of applications that have made the Internet and the World Wide Web so attractive. Indeed, right out of the box users could plug their new Dreamcast into the wall and get online with a few quick clicks. While the Dreamcast Web Browser 1.0 wasn't fully functional on the contemporary network, everything worked pretty well. Within a short time you could download mods for Sonic Adventure, check out the questionable content provided by IGN, kings of the misguided headline, and, most importantly, access the external web and email. Odds are, some of you are reading this article on your Dreamcast right now, so you know what I mean. Hopefully you're using the 2.0 browser, which now supports Flash and MP3s.
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Articles Archive | 09/09/99 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Today is the day. They are calling it "the biggest day in entertainment history." Why? The release of Sega's Dreamcast and Final Fantasy VIII. These momentous events, coupled with MTV's Video Music Awards, whose viewers will be barraged with Dreamcast advertisements, make it a pretty good day. With perhaps the largest cult following of any current series, Final Fantasy VIII is already blowing the minds of faithful denizens. The success of the latest FF installment was never in doubt. Sales will rise exponentially as the holiday season approaches. In fact, schoolyard gossip could spark a remarkable rise in sales this weekend. But what about Sega?
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