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Search for 'PS' returned 635 results.

Galerians: Ash Review
game: Galerians: Ash
review | 02/16/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Sammy Studios brings us the sequel to their psycho future thriller, Galerians. Galerians: Ash drops you right into the aftermath of the first story with nary a hint at how to get going, so this is definitely one for the fans. A gripping storyline might draw you along in spite of lackluster gameplay. Definitely check the review. Click here.
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James Cameron's Dark Angel Review (PS2, Xbox)
game: James Cameron's Dark Angel
review | 02/09/03 | Monica Hafer
It kind of seems like they quit working on James Cameron\'s Dark Angel when the television series was cancelled. That\'s too bad, because this is almost a good game. The fighting engine is deep, but overall shallowness of plot and gameplay makes this one for the DA fans and not many more. Click here.
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Guilty Gear X2 Review
game: Guilty Gear X2
review | 02/09/03 | Eric Qualls
Sammy Studios brings us a sequel to their successful Guilty Gear series. Guilty Gear X2 takes the over-the-top action and ultra deep fighting system to the next level. Fighting fans, especially those with a love for chaotic 2D action and intricate control systems, should definitely check this one out. Click here.
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Hip Screen Pad Review (PS2)
game: Hip Screen Pad
review | 02/01/03 | Eric Qualls
Hip Interactive brings us a novel little product in their Hip Screen Pad. It\'s a PS2 controller with a screen and speakers built in. On the upside, the screen is really nice looking, especially considering its 2.5 inch size. On the downside, it costs about as much as other, bigger, portable screens and the controller is S-U-C-K. Click for more.
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Hot Wheels Velocity X
game: Hot Wheels Velocity X
review | 12/22/02 | Eric Qualls
Leveraging their Hot Wheels property, THQ has released Hot Wheels: Velocity X. Built on the well defined futuristic race/combat model, this game is held up by dated graphics and terrible controls. For now you\'re better off in the toy aisle looking for Hot Wheels joy. Click here.
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Disney's PK: Out of the Shadows
game: Disney's PK: Out of the Shadows
review | 12/22/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
Disney and Ubi Soft have teamed up to release Disney\'s PK: Out of the Shadows, in which Donald Duck takes on the role of a superhero. Sound good so far? Now, imagine, instead of Donald\'s regular voice, we make him sound like Sideshow Bob? Just for fun? Click here.
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Legaia 2: Duel Saga Review
game: Legaia 2: Duel Saga
review | 12/22/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Legend of Legaia was a moderately successful RPG several years ago. Eidos\' Fresh Games has now brought the sequel, Legaia 2: Duel Saga, to the US, and it\'s not bad. It\'s got the requisite RPG elements, including the bunny-eared waitresses. But it\'s not great either, mainly because it\'s tough to escape the feeling that we\'ve been here, done this. Click!
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Fighter Maker 2
game: Fighter Maker 2
review | 12/22/02 | Eric Qualls
Agetec brings us the next-gen installment of their very creative franchise in Fighter Maker 2. The graphics are better and there are more options than ever for making your own fighters and then duking it out in the ring. Unfortunately, tedious creation menus and a clunky core fighting engine hinder this one. Click here.
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Marvel vs. Capcom 2
game: Marvel vs. Capcom 2
review | 12/22/02 | Eric Qualls
Capcom is known for releasing their games all over the place, and sometimes we give them a hard time for it. Other times, like right now while we\'re playing Marvel vs. Capcom 2 on the PS2 and Xbox, we\'re very happy that they keep their titles alive. MvC2 is still a great game that any fan of the fighter should check out. Click here.
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game: BloodRayne
review | 12/20/02 | Shawn Rider
Majesco\'s big fall title is a sultry little adventure game called BloodRayne. Half-human, half-vampire, and all woman, agent BloodRayne slaughters mutated zombies and Nazis at the same time. It\'s gorey, fun to play, and full of B grade horror goodness. Not for everyone, if this is your thing, you\'ll really love it. Click here.
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GTA: Vice City and Official Soundtrack
game: GTA: Vice City
review | 12/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Rockstar brings us the long awaited next installment in the GTA series, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. It does a whole lot of things right, but it isn\'t as revolutionary as GTA3, and, frankly, we\'re disappointed with the direction in which the series is heading. Of course, the soundtrack is amazing, so we reviewed the Vice City Official Soundtrack Box Set, too. Click here.
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D-Link Wireless Access Point and Ethernet Bridge Reviews
review | 12/16/02 | Shawn Rider
See that thing at right? That\'s the new D-Link DWL 810 Ethernet to Wireless Bridge, and that\'s the thing you can use to hook your Xbox, PS2, or Gamecube into a wireless broadband network for online gameplay. Pretty sweet, huh? But you have a wired network at home, right? No worries -- pick up the D-Link DWL-900AP+ Wireless Access Point to turn your home network into WiFi paradise. Click here for the DWL 810. Here for the 900AP+.
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Robotech: Battlecry Review (PS2)
game: Robotech: Battlecry
review | 12/10/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
TDK Mediactive has singlehandedly made Robotech fans very happy this fall. Their take on the franchise has been very successful. Robotech: Battlecry is stylish and fun to play. Unfortunately, this is a season swamped with giant robot games, and the biggest thing going for this one is the story. Robotech fans, check this out. Click!
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Dino Stalker Review (PS2)
game: Dino Stalker
review | 12/10/02 | Monica Hafer
Capcom brings us a combination of FPS and on-rails shooter in Dino Stalker. In order to save the future, you must destroy the past, or some such nonsense. The plot isn\'t important -- killing dinosaurs is. Fans of the shooter might want to take a closer look. Click here.
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Myst III: Exile Review (PS2)
game: Myst III: Exile
review | 12/01/02 | Monica Hafer
Ubi Soft has brought the venerable Myst series to console systems, and, as anyone familiar with the franchise would guess, the style and focus of gameplay doesn\'t quite jive with what most console gamers expect. Many reviewers have reacted to Myst III: Exile like our reviewer, Eric. (Click here to read his review of Myst III: Exile for Xbox.) The pacing and mechanics of the game are unusual on the console, but this is still one of the most popular franchises in the history of gaming. So Monica, a long time Myst fan, reviewed the PS2 version of the game and gives us the other side of things, showing for the right gamers, Myst has still got it. Click here.
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