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01/19/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
PC gamers searching for an action packed gore fest need look no further. Majesco Games brings the console hit BloodRayne, complete with uber violent vampire action and sharp graphics, to the PC. But an imperfect port and very high system requirements will limit the audience. Would be undead slayers click here for the full review.

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01/11/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
game: Tak
category: archive
Platform action isn't just for the livingroom“just ask any Gameboy Advance fan. Not to be bound to the Gamecube and PS2, Tak and the Power of Juju also makes an appearance on the GBA. There's not a to see if you played the console version, but how does it hold-up on its own merits? Click here to find out.

01/11/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
game: Tak
category: archive
Those with a hankering for some platformer action should look into Tak and the Power of Juju, especially those who are big on the Nickelodeon scene. While Tak isn't going to be up for any game of the year awards, it doesn't have any real flaws either. Does that make it a sleeper hit for Christmas? Click here to find out.

01/11/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
Lucas Arts gives the Jedi a rest and looks to WW II for inspiration. It's no sim, but Secret Weapons Over Normandy delivers an arcade punch or two on the PC, PS2 and Xbox. But when it comes to thumb-blazing arcade dogfights, the sky is already full of aces. Is there room for one more, or does Secret Weapons Over Normandy go down in flames? Set your sights right here, and fire at will.

01/11/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
I consider Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic to be one of the greatest games ever created and one of the most important, intriguing texts of this young millennium. Copious amounts of dialogue conspire into well crafted conversations that carry real consequences in both gameplay and story. The Xbox masterpiece makes its way to the PC, and this one is not to be missed“ just make sure to download the patch. But click here before you do, and read the full review.

01/11/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
In one word, what is Namco's kill.switch? A mesmerizing story of mystery and drama of the sort not seen often enough in videogames“a thrilling adventure and a top notch action game. That's more than one word I guess, but kill.switch deserves them all and these words as well: Click here for the full review of this surprisingly stunning title.

01/11/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
Fugitive Hunter: War on Terror, is a terribly crafted FPS by any gameplay standard: horribly bland graphics, lame and choppy gameplay, the list goes on. In short, this swill isn't worth playing if you get it for free. From a rhetorical standpoint, Fugitive Hunter is propaganda of the worst sort, and reeks of McCarthy-era brutality and ignorance. The game is a must miss, but the review is a must read, as Steffan Ralph DelPiano explores the disturbing implications of Fugitive Hunter: War on Terror.

01/11/04 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
Square breaks with tradition and delivers a full-fledged bonafide sequel. That's right; characters you came to love in Final Fantasy X are back in action for FF X-2. Mission centered gameplay marks another significant break in tradition-- with all these changes, can Square's magic come through in full force? Click right here for our take on Final Fantasy X-2.

12/09/03 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
Based on the Disney ride of the same name, The Haunted Mansion delivers some surprisingly fun gameplay that's easy enough for the younger crew to enjoy while still remaining fun for adults. Does it belong under your Christmas tree? Ask Eric right here.

12/09/03 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
category: archive
When it comes to the GBA, Gamesfirst reviewer Jason Frank is a living legend. Some people say he was born with a GBA in his hand. Many say he won his GBA atop Mt. Olympus in an oiled-up, blindfolded submission wrestling match with Zeus. Others say he got it at Target. All I know is that he takes on Rocket Power: Zero Gravity Zone, the latest in GBA skateboarding, right here right now. Click here to watch the master work.

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