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Search for 'media' returned 60 results.

MobZombies at USC Interactive Media Division
game: MobZombies
news | 08/20/05 | Shawn Rider
Browsing the always-interesting http://www.We-Make-Money-Not-Art.com weblog, we happened upon this link to a really interesting project coming out of the University of Southern California Interactive Media Division called MobZombies, which puts you into the real world with a display that allows you to see the masses of zombies coming for your brains. Sound fun? Oh yeah.
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Lunar: Dragon Song
game: Lunar: Dragon Song
preview | 07/21/05 | George Holomshek
Fourth quarter 2005 is looking strong for the Nintendo DS, primarily with a queue of upcoming releases currently unmatched in the handheld market. Along with top name games like Mario Kart and Animal Crossing (not to mention Nintendogs, which is driving sales of the DS through the roof in Japan), DS owners have games like Lunar: Dragon Song to look forward to. Take a moment to read about what to expect from the first pure-blood RPG to hit the system.
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QUIZ: Are You Hardcore?
| 06/08/05 | Monica Hafer
It\'s painfully apparent that when you put a bunch of GF! writers into a crowd at E3 that many of us are not exactly what you would call \"hardcore gamers.\" At least, not as hardcore as some of the folks out there. And realizing this got us thinking about the spectrum of the gaming audience, which is always growing and diversifying in interesting ways. So in true media-mogul fashion, allow us to oversimplify and close down the vast diversity of the gaming audience into four convenient categories and present it to you as a \"get to know yourself\" quiz. It\'ll be fun, like in Cosmo (babes inside!).
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Full Spectrum Warrior
game: Full Spectrum Warrior
review | 06/01/05 | George Holomshek
Full Spectrum Warrior found a home on the PS2 substantially later than it did on either the Xbox or the PC. This strategic military game puts you in control of two squads of fighters battling terrorists is a foreign land. How well has the gameplay held up since we first saw it on the Xbox? Check out our review to find out exactly what you can expect to find in this solid title.
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twoplayer comic: Relief After a Long Day
comic | 05/22/05 | Aaron Stanton
There\'s nothing quite like the first night after you\'re home from E3. You sleep in your own bed for a the first time in what feels like a year, and you wake up clear headed and able to write coherently again. You immediately go back and fix all the mistakes in your articles that you made while writing madly on the E3 floor, and then sit down for some quality time with your computer (or significant other, depending on who you are). Wouldn\'t it be nice if you could get that boost in energy from a spray can, like Resident Evil\'s First Aid Spray? We thought so too in this week\'s twoplayer comic, Relief After a Long Day=.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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Nintendo Starts a Revolution
Articles Archive | 05/18/05 | Eric Bodrero
Nintendo showed off the Revolution to a crowd of hungry fans and attendant media on Tuesday, and today we got to see a bit more of the device on the show floor at E3. And while some serious bombs were dropped (backwards compatibility for 20 years of Nintendo games -- What!?!), the Revolution is stil shrouded in mystery. Get the details we know right here.
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twoplayer comic: Too Ugly for E3
comic | 05/18/05 | Aaron Stanton
There\'s nothing better than waking up at 6 in the morning after a night out at a Midway party. Our GF crew is in the process of getting ready for the media breakfast served at the start of each E3. Today\'s E3 twoplayer comic, Too Ugly for E3, refers to the fact that I was the only person on the GamesFirst crew that didn\'t receive my media badge in time for the trip down. While it all worked out, I felt hurt and rejected. Why was I turned away? Twoplayer provided my answer.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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Terminator 3: The Redemption
game: Terminator 3: The Redemption
review | 11/23/04 | Jeremy Kauffman
It's so easy to pass by those pesky movie based titles. How often are they any good, really? Most of the time, games based on movies miss the charm or the magic or whatever it was that made the movie good, and serve up nothing but a laundry list of formulaic gameplay. But not always. Read why T3: Redemption isn't just another movie game on rails? well? almost. Check out the full review.
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La Pucelle Tactics
game: La Pucelle Tactics
review | 07/19/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
La Pucelle Tactics is the latest US release from Japanese developer Nippon Ichi. After last year's Disgaea won critical acclaim and was immediately embraced by hardcore gamers nationwide, the demand for another game from Nippon Ichi skyrocketed. Click here to see if this release is all that you hoped it would be.
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The Haunted Mansion
game: The Haunted Mansion
review | 12/09/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Based on the Disney ride of the same name, The Haunted Mansion delivers some surprisingly fun gameplay that's easy enough for the younger crew to enjoy while still remaining fun for adults. Does it belong under your Christmas tree? Ask Eric right here.
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Robotech: Battlecry Review (PS2)
game: Robotech: Battlecry
review | 12/10/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
TDK Mediactive has singlehandedly made Robotech fans very happy this fall. Their take on the franchise has been very successful. Robotech: Battlecry is stylish and fun to play. Unfortunately, this is a season swamped with giant robot games, and the biggest thing going for this one is the story. Robotech fans, check this out. Click!
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WWE Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth Review (PS2)
game: WWE Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth
review | 12/01/02 | Eric Qualls
THQ and Yukes has done a number on the Smackdown series. After the disappointment of Just Bring It last year, WWE Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth restores the franchise to its original glory. The season mode is great, graphics are seriously improved, and the wrestling has undergone some minor changes to make it a lot better. Click!
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Robotech Battlecry Preview (Xbox, PS2, GC)
game: Robotech Battlecry
preview | 06/08/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
TDK Mediactive looks to have pulled off a feat we never thought possible -- a good Robotech game! Robotech Battlecry will come out this fall for all systems, and it looks great. The cel-shaded graphics give it that comfy anime feel and the gameplay is fast and furious. Check it out here.
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WildTangent: Divergent Business Model for Online Gaming and Distribution
Articles Archive | 05/28/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Although they sounded intriguing, it wasn't the martinis and massages that lured me into the WildTangent room at E3. As a member of the media, the invites for drinks were as free flowing as T-shirts and temporary tattoos for the normal E3 attendee. Yet, as I was winding my way through the mayhem that is E3, I was surprised to see a rather large woman in a purple shirt handing out gamedisks. With quasi-anorexic booth babes the norm in this venue, I was surprised to note that all of the WildTangent women (as that's who they were) were larger-than-life and exceptionally friendly. I wondered, "Who would be so bold as to flaut tradition and hire large, fully clothed women to entice players to check out a booth?" The answer turned out to be a company that has used just such divergent thinking in all areas of their marketing: WildTangent.
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PS2 Price DROP
game: Playstation 2
news | 05/20/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
Long awaited by gamers everywhere, the two big boys of the console market have locked horns. Sony announced earlier this week that the PS2 price would drop from $299 to $199. Click here for the details about Sony\'s price change. Microsoft had planned on surprising us all at E3 with a price drop for the Xbox, but in light of Sony\'s news chose to make the change immediately, dropping the price of the Xbox from $299 to $199. Click here for Xbox details. In other news, Sony Japan has announced the PS3 is in development and slated for Japanese release in 2005.
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