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Search for 'sony' returned 88 results.

PSP's Red Death: Virus Masquerading as Firmware Downgrade
game: PSP
news | 10/07/05 | Aaron Stanton
A fair warning to all you potential PSP hackers in the world; there\'s a virus for your PSP that\'s masquerading as a firmware downgrade. With the release of an actual firmware downgrader, it\'s easy to see why people might be tempted to download this little virus and install it in an attempt to run their PSPs back to a more flexible state. However, the virus - called PSPbrick - ends your PSP. By deleting key files, the Trojan destroys your PSP for all practical purposes. Since you can\'t undo the damage without a functioning PSP to hack, PSP owners are basically out of a system. Of course, since hacking your PSP voids the warranty, Sony has announced that they\'re washing their hands of the problem. Such is the risk of system hacking. For those of you without a hacked PSP, you needn\'t worry. The virus isn\'t capable of transferring between systems without the user actively installing it.
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PSP Firmware Downgrader Released
news | 09/28/05 | Shawn Rider
Surely much to Sony\'s chagrin, those clever hackers have done it again. SonyXTeam has released a Firmware Downgrader for the PSP that will downgrade version 2.0 firmware to 1.50, which enables gamers who have recently bought the system to downgrade their firmware and use homebrew PSP utilities and play homebrew PSP games. This allows new PSP owners to join the rest of us playing Game Boy Advance games while we wait for something decent to come out. It sure beats watching movies on the thing!
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Sony Announces the Imminent Layoff of 10,000 Employees
news | 09/22/05 | Aaron Stanton
BBC World News has reported that Sony will be letting go of 10,000 employees within the next three years, to be completed by 2008. It\'s always good to remember that of the three major console players, Sony is the only one that\'s attempting to recover from a series of massive fiscal disappointments. While it controls the current generation of home consoles with the PS2, Sony\'s stock has dropped nearly 2/3rds of its value in the last five years, and loses or breaks even on nearly every division other than games and movies. Fans that are worried that Nintendo might be the underdog in the next round of console wars might do better to worry about Sony\'s ability to withstand a long-term war.
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Revolution and the Next Generation of Gaming, or Popular Belief and the Gaming Industry
editorial | 09/20/05 | Chris Martin
Never a crew to let a single viewpoint dominate (we\'re still cleaning up the offices from the Great Console Wars of 01/02), our man Chris Martin has stepped up to the metaphorical typewriter. Those of you who find the Nintendo Revolution a bit too syrupy-sweet and dreamily perfect most likely share some of Chris\' concerns.
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Why Nintendo Gets It, or Why Sony Should Start Trying
editorial | 09/17/05 | Shawn Rider
With the announcement of the Revolution controller, Nintendo has proven that, at least some of the time, they really \"get\" it. Get what? Gaming. In a next-gen lineup that has been, frankly, a total snooze-fest, the Revolution has finally shown us a sliver of light, which we think will broaden into a bright new direction for game design to explore. While Sony and Microsoft are content to release platform upgrades, it looks like Nintendo is the only one attempting to move gaming to a new generation.
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Sony Brings Development Studios Under One Name
news | 09/14/05 | Aaron Stanton
Sony Computer Entertainment has unified their numerous game development studios under the name Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios. The new title helps Sony provide a more unified front in an industry that\'s becoming increasingly global. Of course, Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios is extremely long, and abbreviates into SCEWS. Would you want to be called SCEWS?
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PSP Enjoys Best System Launch in UK History, DS Still Strong in Japan
game: Sony PSP
news | 09/06/05 | Aaron Stanton
Last week\'s launch of the Sony PSP enjoyed unparalleled success, selling more units in the first week than any other system in the history of the United Kingdom. Roughly 185,000 PSPs sold in the days following the system\'s release, compared to the 87,000 Nintendo DS units that moved from shelves during the launch of Nintendo\'s handheld. The Nintendo DS, sold since March, still claims a greater total combined systems sold, and it remains to be seen how Sony\'s numbers hold up against the onslaught of highly anticipated Nintendo games expected this Holiday season. Nintendogs, for example, expects an October 7th release.
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Eye Toy Play 2 Breaks the Party Game Barrier
game: Eye Toy Play 2
review | 09/05/05 | Shawn Rider
Sony\'s Eye Toy is one of the coolest innovations we\'ve seen in gaming controllers. Of course, the original EyeToy Play disc was a bit shallow and remains more of a tech demo. However, EyeToy Play 2 is a really wonderful improvement, offering much deeper gameplay and more enjoyable multiplayer.
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SOE Asks EQ2 Players to Assist Hurricane Survivors
game: Everquest 2
news | 09/03/05 | Shawn Rider
Proving that custom commands are not only for ordering pizzas, Sony Online Entertainment has added a \"/donate\" command to Everquest II, and is asking its players to donate to the American Red Cross to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina. We at GamesFirst! applaud this effort and urge our readers to also support hurricane Katrina relief efforts.
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Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition
game: Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition
review | 08/27/05 | Gary Wong
The popular Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition makes its way to the PSP. Sony\'s little handheld has been starved for some high octane games, so DUB Edition has a lot riding on it. Does its engine stall at the starting line or does it finish at the top? Check Gary\'s review for the details.
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Elitism in Gaming (and the business model that supports it)
Articles Archive | 06/14/05 | Monica Hafer
The growth of the video game industry and the acceptance of gaming into mainstream society has brought about both positives and negatives. Companies like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft drive technology forward, but how does that leave the small, independent developers that helped give this industry its footing? An interview with Stardock reveals that there's a lot of spunk left in the independent market, and perhaps a healthier business model than the one currently driving the big boys.
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The PlayStation 3: Stats and Impressions
game: The PlayStation 3: Stats and Impressions
preview | 05/18/05 | Chris Martin
Sony Computer Entertainment revealed their third incarnation of the PlayStation console at their press conference Monday. It's lean, mean, and coming in 2006.
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Gran Turismo 4
game: Gran Turismo 4
review | 04/21/05 | Chris Martin
The long-awaited sequel to the reigning king of racing simulations is finally here, but is Gran Turismo 4 everything you ever wanted? Refined graphics, updated offerings, and some spiffy tweaks make it appealing, but what about the AI, the lack of some significant licenses, and no online multiplayer support? Check the details for our lowdown.
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Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade
game: Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade
review | 04/13/05 | Shawn Rider
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade is a hack-and-slash dungeon crawling RPG that brings classic Diablo-style gameplay to your PSP. It's got great graphics, a deep character development system, and is pretty much a hoot to play with friends. But like so many RPG protagonists, it is as flawed as it is brilliant. Curse the darkness, or get the light right here.
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Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix
game: Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix
review | 04/12/05 | Gary Wong
If there's a console, odds are, there'll be a Tony Hawk game for it. Sure enough, the Sony PSP launched with Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix. How does it compare to the console versions and past portable attempts? What exactly makes this game a remix. Well, you'll just have to read the review to find out.
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