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Search for 'classic' returned 95 results.
game: New Super Mario Bros.
preview | 06/07/05 | George Holomshek
Back to basics. That's exactly how I would describe the new Mario
title coming to the Nintendo DS. Its not that I have any big
game: Dungeon Siege II
preview | 05/22/05 | Eric Bodrero
There haven't been many really great hack-and-slash titles since Diablo II left the stage a few years back. While the classic franchise exited in fairly good form, it left behind a void that's been taken on by any number of competent top-down dungeon crawlers. While a number of these attempts were solid, we're still waiting for the title that will help us forget just how good Diablo was. Dungeon Siege II attempts to improve everything it's carried over from the first game, and wipe Diablo from your memory. Eric sits down to lay out some of the details about how they intend to do that.
game: Age of Empires: The Age of Kings
preview | 05/21/05 | Blaine Krumpe
For all of its innovative design and touch screen, so far the DS has not really delivered the kind of different experiences that it has the potential for. Blaine identifies one great use of the touch screen that makes possible a thoroughly enjoying pocket form of Age of Empires: Age of Kings. AoK is a classic turn-based strategy game, and so far the direction this handheld version is taking might make it one of the first pocket strategy games to be as enjoyable as the PC version.
game: Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade
review | 04/13/05 | Shawn Rider
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade is a hack-and-slash dungeon crawling RPG that brings classic Diablo-style gameplay to your PSP. It's got great graphics, a deep character development system, and is pretty much a hoot to play with friends. But like so many RPG protagonists, it is as flawed as it is brilliant. Curse the darkness, or get the light right here.
game: Nintendo DS
review | 12/21/04 | Matt James
No one has a track record quite like Nintendo. From the classics like Mario and Metroid to the less than stellar outings like Virtua Boy, Nintendo has a greater combination of gold and flop than any company that comes to mind. Now we have the Nintendo DS. Does it shine like metal, or stink like vector red? Make sure you read about what could be one of the greatest Christmas gifts of the season.
Articles Archive | 12/16/04 | Chris Martin
There's no time better in the gaming industry than Christmas, partly because there's always an excess of quality holiday titles hitting the shelves, but also partly because it's the one time of year when someone else might join in the feeding of our gaming habits. It's a time of possibility; a time when not only is it possible to maybe get free games, but if classics like Miracle on 34th Street are to be believed, also, maybe, things like houses and stuff. So when we here at GF! asked a number of our crew what they really wanted for Christmas, we didn't let them be limited by anything like reality. Be sure to read Part I of our GamesFirst! Christmas Wishlist, where we reveal the true depth of our gaming addictions (a few of the responses may lead to psychiatric evaluations, and probably at least one committal? it happens every year). Only 9 days and counting!
game: Sid Meier's Pirates!
review | 12/15/04 | Jason Frank
Pirates! doesn't let you play as the dirty, honor-less dogs that probably really roamed the high seas, but who wants to play as them anyway? Sid Meier takes us through a delightful rendition of what pirates should have been; driven by passion for love, revenge, and gold. First read our review, then run out and find yourself a copy. This game is a classic.
Articles Archive | 12/06/04 | Chris Martin
There's nothing like the first solid snowfall of December to bring back memories of the good ol yesteryears. A lot has changed since the days of the Super NES and classic 2D games. With the recent release of the first next generation handheld, the DS, what you might have found under your Christmas tree in the 1990s is looking worse and worse even when compared to today's portable systems, not counting the home consoles. Is that good? Click here to let Chris tell you what there is to miss about the days of yore.
game: Midway Arcade Treasures 2
review | 11/30/04 | Chris Martin
Some people have greater claim to history than others. Britney Spears, who's been a pop icon for somewhere around five years, has a harder time legitimately releasing a Greatest Hits album than say, The Rolling Stones, or The Beatles. But in the videogame industry, few companies can claim history like Midway, and they've put together another collection of classics to let us gamers relive the old-school. How have these forerunners held up over the years? Make sure you read our review to find out if this collection should make it into a loved one's gift pile? or onto your wish list.
game: Transformers
review | 06/12/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
As soon as this title was announced, Transformers fans young and old began to wait with anticipation, and the fear that one of the classics of American youth entertainment might produce a flawed game. Well, Transformers fans, I can assure you that this is not the case: read the full report here.
game: The Return of the King
review | 12/07/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
EA's highly successful The Two Towers drew high praise from gamers for its cinematic drama and hack and slash action. It wasn't the most innovative treatment of the Tolkien classic, but it sure was fun to be a part of. The latest installment, Return of the King, looks to improve on that success, offering more characters, more cinematic feel, and best of all, multiplayer co-op. But can more hack and slash satisfy a Lord of the Rings enthusiast? With a single click, your quest for knowledge begins right here.
game: Halo
review | 11/10/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It's been a long time since the Xbox launched with Halo and blew console fans away with its FPS action. PC gamers now get a shot at the classic, but can even Halo stand up to both a port to a new system and the unrelenting hammer of father time? Halo newbie Chris Galbraith takes on the legend right here.
game: The Great Escape
review | 10/09/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The classic action film The Great Escape finds itself on the Xbox, 40 years after wowing audiences on the big screen. Combine stealth action and a famous story and what do you get-- A brilliant idea or another movie-to-game lame fest? Both, and Jeremy tells us why right here.
game: Tetris Worlds
review | 10/01/03 | Aaron Stanton
Classical puzzle action finds its way to the Xbox in Tetris Worlds, complete with addictive gameplay and even Xbox Live multiplayer action. On the downside, it\'s still just Tetris. Click here to find out if it\'s for you.
game: The Great Escape
review | 10/01/03 | Jeremy Kauffman
The classic action film The Great Escape finds itself on the Xbox, 40 years after wowing audiences on the big screen. Combine stealth action and a famous story and what do you get-- A brilliant idea or another movie-to-game lame fest?
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