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Search for 'fantasy' returned 84 results.

Lineage II
game: Lineage II
review | 12/27/04 | Jason Frank
Lineage II is the most popular MMORPG in the world. Thousands of individuals worldwide love the game and play it religiously, so much that players in Southeast Asia are occasionally carted off to the hospital after multi-day Lineage II benders. Of course, not everyone is so enamored of the MMORPG genre, or with, specifically, Lineage II. And one of those folks happens to be our own Jason Hickman. We know we're going to take it on this one, but we feel obligated to express an array of opinion, so click the details to read the review, then let the flaming commence.
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Everquest II
game: Everquest II
review | 12/14/04 | Eric Bodrero
With quality competition from games like City of Heroes and World of Warcraft, all arriving in the last year to vie for our monthly subscription dollars, the makers of EverQuest have a much tougher battlefield before them than they did five years ago when the series first helped define the genre. How good of an experience does EverQuest II offer? Is it worth your time in a world awash with MMOGs? Make sure you read Eric's review to find out.
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Final Fantasy X2
game: Final Fantasy X2
review | 01/11/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Square breaks with tradition and delivers a full-fledged bonafide sequel. That's right; characters you came to love in Final Fantasy X are back in action for FF X-2. Mission centered gameplay marks another significant break in tradition-- with all these changes, can Square's magic come through in full force? Click right here for our take on Final Fantasy X-2.
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Kingdom Hearts
game: Kingdom Hearts
preview | 11/26/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
All fans of Kingdom Hearts, hearken unto me. Actually, harken unto Matt as he gives us a preview of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for the GBA. With a little luck it will be enough to hold fans over until Kingdom Hearts II hits the PS2, and it should be a first rate GBA title as well. Click here and if you dig Final Fantasy, Disney, the GBA, or all of the above.
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Final Fantasy Games
game: Final Fantasy Games
preview | 10/16/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
GamesFirst resident Squareophile Matt James gives us a preview of the three title Final Fantasy line-up about to grace the consoles of gamers everywhere. Which one should you be looking forward to most? Click here to find out.
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Mythica Preview
game: Mythica
preview | 06/05/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Microsoft has asked itself some deep questions lately: How best to invigorate a crowded fantasy MMORPG environment? What\'s better than playing a Viking? From whence do we derive six out of the seven English names for days of the week? The answer: Norse Gods. Mythica puts you in the role of an immortal Norse hero hoping to add \"ruthless deity\" to his resume. Impress the existing Pantheon, and you might find yourself reaping the rewards.
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game: Mythica
preview | 06/05/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Microsoft has asked itself some deep questions lately: How best to invigorate a crowded fantasy MMORPG environment? What's better than playing a Viking? From whence do we derive six out of the seven English names for days of the week? The answer: Norse Gods. Mythica puts you in the role of an immortal Norse hero hoping to add "ruthless deity" to his resume. Impress the existing Pantheon, and you might find yourself reaping the rewards. Click here for the whole preview.
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INTERVIEW - Niel Wiser, President & Founder of UltraPrime Network
Articles Archive | 01/19/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The Evolvers: A well selected name for what could constitute an entirely new perspective on massively multiplayer gaming. For years there have been videogames that have attempted to mimic the look and feel of Hollywood: vampire slayers, star trekkers, bounty hunters “ slews of voice actors trying to mimic other people in the name of a good videogame. It's amazing how rarely they succeed. Similarly, there are times when storylines built with the controls of a console or played out on the screen of the PC are used to produce a feature film. Resident Evil. Final Fantasy.
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Barbarian Review
game: Barbarian
review | 09/04/02 | Monica Hafer
Titus gives us Barbarian, an arena based fighter that puts you into a fantasy world in dire need of a good saving. Sound familiar? Barbarian doesn\'t break a lot of new ground, but it does provide a nice distraction for awhile and hints at some good possibilities. Click here.
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MX Superfly Review
game: MX Superfly
review | 08/14/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Take a look at this screen from the PS2 version and you can see why it\'s called Superfly. MX Superfly brings THQs motocross staple to a new middle ground between sim and outrageous fantasy. Click here for the rev of the Gamecube version. And click here for the scoop on the PS2 version.
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Shifters Review (PS2)
game: Shifters
review | 07/03/02 | Eric Qualls
3DO does it again. Shifters is a bad game, plagued with bad graphics, bad controls, glitchy play, and no real inspiration. The concept of a shapeshifting, \"cast & slash\" fantasy action game could have been pretty cool. But this isn\'t the game. Click here for more.
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Gladius Preview (Xbox, PS2, GC)
game: Gladius
preview | 07/01/02 | Shawn Rider
LucasArts decided to take a fantasy-oriented route with Gladius, which pits you against gladiators in arenas from Rome to Hades, but the liberties they\'ve taken should only disappoint those Classics majors and Roman Empire buffs. The rest of us might enjoy hurling fireballs at our foes. In an RPG-style strategy type game. Sounds fun.
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Reign of Fire Preview
game: Reign of Fire
preview | 06/23/02 | Monica Hafer
Gearing up to be a summer action hit at the movie theater, Reign of Fire on the PS2 is looking sweeter than Matthew McConaughey\'s belt buckle in Dazed and Confused. So if you\'re looking to mow down some dragons with a load of military might, or if you\'d just like to play for the other team, blazing humans as they get in your way, you need to click here.
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Earth and Beyond Online Preview
game: Earth and Beyond Online
preview | 06/19/02 | Aaron Stanton
Westwood Studios and Electronic Arts are finishing up a MMORPG that has us interested. Earth and Beyond breaks out of the fantasy confines to explore the nether regions of the universe. It looks amazing, plays cool, and we can\'t wait to get our hands on the release version. Click here for more.
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Ghost Master Preview
game: Ghost Master
preview | 06/15/02 | Aaron Stanton
Empire Interactive takes a bold step in innovation, and it looks like it\'s going to pay off for them. Ghost Master has you in control of the ghosts haunting a house. Your job is to spook the living bejeebus out of the not-yet-dead, and to do so you control an army (OK, a few) of the undead. If it sounds like fun, that\'s because it is. Click here.
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