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Search for 'strategy' returned 109 results.

Trainz: Ultimate Collection Review (PC)
game: Trainz: Ultimate Collection
review | 04/02/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Australian developer, Auran, and popular sim/strategy publisher, Strategy First, have teamed up to put out Trainz: Ultimate Collection. Don\'t let that \"z\" fool you -- the only extreme aspect of this game is the insane depth, complexity, and attention to detail present in this ultimate train simulator. Railroad fans get thee to the videogame store. Click here for the whole story.
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Rise of Nations Review
game: Rise of Nations
preview | 12/22/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Microsoft kicked us down an early version of Rise of Nations, their new, fast-paced RTS title, and we love it. Due out next year, Rise of Nations asks you to develop a civilization and take over the world, all in rapidly paced battle and building segments. Be prepared to confront your inability to do anything else next year. Click for more
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Age of Mythology
game: Age of Mythology
review | 12/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The Age of Kings series also gets an update in the latest installment, Age of Mythology. Bruce Shelley and company have created a wonderful strategy game that melds three distinct strains of mythology. Featuring a new 3D engine, you can check out the battles in an array of views. It\'s really a blast to play, so click here for the review.
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Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 Review (PC)
game: Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
review | 12/16/02 | Aaron Stanton
One of the most popular games of all time, believe it or not, is Roller Coaster Tycoon. Weird, huh? It seems that way until you\'ve gotten sucked into an all-night park-building marathon. Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 has come out, and Infogrames has wisely chosen to not change much. See what all the hype is about. Click here for the review.
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Stronghold: Crusader Review
game: Stronghold: Crusader
review | 11/06/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Take Two Interactive brings us a sequel to their popular castle sim. Stonghold: Crusader allows you to play through somewhat historically based campaigns through the Holy Land and features a more robust real time strategy component. Build it up and tear it down. Click here.
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How to Get Your Significant Other to Love Gaming
Articles Archive | 10/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It is the plague of gamers everywhere”how do you get the one you love to love your gaming habit? The most obvious and commonly attempted ploy is trying to get your significant other to develop his or her own habit. But sometimes this is a more difficult prospect than one might expect. I have heard many of my male counterparts bemoan the fact that his wife or girlfriend just doesn't understand his need to spend hours on the console or computer and that it is jeopardizing both of the loves of his life. As I am a firm believer in the "love me, love my obsessions" philosophy, I decided put my mind to work figuring out how to lure your partner into the gaming fold. After much thought, I finally came up with a strategy that I think will work for almost anyone. So here goes?my best advice for winning over your one and only.
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Gladius Preview (Xbox, PS2, GC)
game: Gladius
preview | 07/01/02 | Shawn Rider
LucasArts decided to take a fantasy-oriented route with Gladius, which pits you against gladiators in arenas from Rome to Hades, but the liberties they\'ve taken should only disappoint those Classics majors and Roman Empire buffs. The rest of us might enjoy hurling fireballs at our foes. In an RPG-style strategy type game. Sounds fun.
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Dark Planet: Battle for Natrolis Review
game: Dark Planet: Battle for Natrolis
review | 06/28/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It\'s one of the oldest stories we know: Multiple groups of settlers fight amongst themselves to control a newly discovered world, empty except for the natives. Nope, this isn\'t a pre-July 4 history lesson, it\'s the plot of Dark Planet: Battle for Natrolis. This bargain-priced strategy game brings some interesting features to the table, but overall it ends up falling a bit flat. Click here for more.
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Ballerium Preview
game: Ballerium
preview | 06/23/02 | Aaron Stanton
Distributed processing and an infinitely expandable world are just two of the technical feats pulled off by small Israeli developer, Majorem, and put to use in Ballerium, a truly massive multiplayer RTS title. Although it\'s still early in development, our resident MMP expert, Aaron, checked it out. Click here for more.
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Soldiers of Anarchy Preview (PC)
game: Soldiers of Anarchy
preview | 06/08/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Simon and Schuster will bring us a thoroughly modern RTS. Soldiers of Anarchy has you playing through a slew of levels to eradicate an evil group trying to let the AIDS virus run rampant. What\'s cool about it is the serious support for modders that allows you to do everything from creating maps to scripting cutscenes. Click here.
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P.O.W. Preview (Xbox, PC)
game: P.O.W.
preview | 06/06/02 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s World War II, and here you are stuck in a P.O.W. camp. No guns, no killing, none of that traditional war game crap. Codemaster\'s latest endeavor, P.O.W., puts you in the role of an American prisoner trying to escape a German camp. The emphasis is on strategy, stealth, and planning the great escape. Click here for more.
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Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat Review (Xbox)
game: Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat
review | 05/29/02 | Aaron Stanton
Aaron got his turn on Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat, this time on the Xbox, and his evaluation is pretty much the same as Jeremy\'s opinion of the PS2 version. How can you have a scene like the one at right and not have more of a sense of humor in your game? Click.
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Impossible Creatures Preview (PC)
game: Impossible Creatures
preview | 05/29/02 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft games are looking strong this year in general, and although it\'s a good 9 months off, Impossible Creatures looks to continue the trend. Mix and match the most dangerous creatures in the world in this action RTS meets the Island of Dr. Moreau. Click here.
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O.R.B. Preview
game: O.R.B.
editorial | 05/28/02 | Aaron Stanton
Strategy First will bring us a potentially revolutionary deep space RTS this fall. O.R.B. puts you in control of huge space armadas and interstellar action has never been so accurately reproduced. Accurate physics offer new tactics to exploit and the fully 3D galaxy is just beautiful. Click here for more.
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Nintendo Gamecube Info Roundup
Articles Archive | 05/20/01 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
While there were many points of interest at E3 this year, the most consistently really crowded booth was Nintendo's, where gamers flocked, nay swarmed, to see the GameCube. For those skeptics out there who think the general mediocrity of the N64 experience has soured gamers, witness the intense interest shown for the new system. Let's face it, the N64 has suffered from a general lack of titles, and some companies have released really terrible games for it, further causing pain to gamers who have been forced to pursue the "any port in a storm" strategy (Big Mountain 2000 comes to mind, er, flashes painfully across my memory). However, there have been some very good titles, and it's no mistake that the best titles on the system have been made by Nintendo and it's 2nd party developer, Rare. Nintendo is, in many ways, the Disney of the gaming world “ they have created and continue to create incredibly popular and lasting characters, who appear in all sorts of games and have firmly lodged themselves in the hearts of mainstream USA (as well as mainstream everywhere else).

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