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Search for 'RE' returned 1520 results.
game: PS3
editorial | 11/15/06 | Aaron Stanton
The PS3 has released in Japan, and the units were eaten up like candy. With 88,400 units sold, the search for second-hand PS3 units has begun. But reports of people buying the system just to resell it for profit have begun showing up all over the place, and recently reported Sony sold almost 2,000 more hardware units than they did software titles. Is this indicative of rampant scalping at the PS3 launch? Aaron sits down to compare some of these numbers to the Xbox 360 launch in 2005 to see if he can draw any comparisons.
game: Gears of War
editorial | 11/12/06 | Chris Martin
Foot in the mouth? That\'s what we\'re thinking. When Alain Tascan, General Manager for EA Montreal, stated that Gears of War has \"zero innovation,\" we guess that soon after he was either munching on a big bowl of \"his own words\" or the rubber of a Doc Marten. Either way: here\'s our take.
game: Paraworld
review | 11/12/06 | George Holomshek
How many times have we been left feeling unfulfilled because we can\'t find an RTS with the perfect balance. You know—the precise mix of dinosaurs, ninjas and flamethrowers for which our mousing fingers lust. And just to prove that the gods of gaming are benevolent (and capricious), Aspyr brings us Paraworld, a real-time strategy game that mixes wacky units with solid gameplay. Get the full story from our man, George.
game: Myst Online: Uru Live
preview | 11/08/06 | Chris Martin
Remember the online component to Uru: Ages Beyond Myst? It\'s back, and on GameTap! Coming this December, gamers will be able to explore the Ages of Uru in droves, allowing a whole new dynamic of puzzle solving gameplay that has yet to be implemented in anything but a MUD or PUD. Here are some screenshots from the upcoming game, things are looking good. Puzzle-solving good.
game: Bad Day LA
review | 11/07/06 | Jason Perkins
With his latest project, Bad Day LA, American McGee has officially forfeited his right to put his name one more game box. Bad Day LA had everything going for it, from celeb designer to outrageous hype-generating premise. Even the publisher, Aspyr Media, has some serious cred, having released last year\'s cult hit Stubbs the Zombie. So what could have gone wrong? Unfortunately for our man, Jason, so many, many things... Get the frownies here.
editorial | 11/06/06 | Aaron Stanton
The National Summit on Video Games, Youth and Public Policy was generally a successful and unbiased attempt to create a unified statement about the effects of violent video games. The participants were generally informed and open-minded, and the organizers promised to do their best to accurately represent what those present had to say. Unfortunately, the first press release from the summit, released by the National Institute on Media and the Family, drops the ball. It puts words in the mouth of those that participated, calling video games \"devastating\", and suggesting that was a unified perspective at the event. It wasn\'t. Read our take on the Summit\'s latest announcement.
game: Company of Heroes
review | 11/04/06 | Sean Hilliard
Best RTS of all time? After sending our strategy freak Sean Hiliard into the battlefield, he realized that Company of Heroes is all that and a bag of potato chips. It might just be the best real-time strategy game of all time, and it is without a doubt the best strategy game of 2006. Get off your footlocker soldier! We have the reasons why you won\'t want to miss this one, private.
editorial | 11/02/06 | Matt James
Matt James is back with another roundup of enlightening, provocative reader mail. We clear up the difference between Vin Diesel and The Rock, reiterate some of the features of the Xbox Live Vision Camera, and reveal a bit of our deepest insecurities to an ardent Jack Thompson defender. Sound fun? Then make with the clickity-click and check out the full story.
game: Caesar IV Review
review | 10/31/06 | George Holomshek
Caesar IV picks up where the series left off, placing the fate of a great and powerful empire into the hands of the average game player. Caesar IV offers a lively city with plenty of graphical appeal, engaging micromanagement, and a few frustrating interface problems, all in one package. For those of you interested in working your way up the ladder from lowly outpost commander to Caesar himself, you\'re likely to find what you\'re looking for in this newest addition to the series.
review | 10/30/06 | Laurie Taylor
Zap Dramatic makes a unique series of games built around negotiating. In games such as \"The Raise\" and \"The Mediator,\" players must navigate through a complex social web, made more realistic by a touch of unpredictability and predictable limitations. Dialogue-oriented games are occasionally popular (Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, for example), but often suffer from the good/bad, light side/dark side, oversimplification of games like Fable or Knights of the Old Republic. Laurie takes a look at some of the Zap Dramatic offerings in this group review.
game: Just Cause
review | 10/25/06 | Sean Hilliard
You are a rugged, sexy operative ordered to take down a whole country, and no matter how many times you have to jump out of that airplane, hijack that automobile, or jump through the blades of a moving helicopter you\'re going to kill that guy, or save that guy, or find that item! In Just Cause, regime change is the goal, and it\'s up to you, your trusty parachute, and a grappling hook to revolutionize a whole South American state. But before you go getting all hopped up on your School of the Americas delusions of grandeur, be sure to check Sean\'s review. Otherwise, don\'t blame us for the harsh realization that even parachutes can\'t make repetitive mission-based infiltration worth playing...
editorial | 10/24/06 | Aaron Stanton
The National Summit on Video Games, Youth and Public Policy took place this weekend. Researchers from around the country attended to discuss everything from violent media to the legality of government regulation of game ratings. It was sponsored by one of the game industry\'s most politically powerful critics, the National Institute on Media and the Family, which has consistently given the game industry poor marks when it comes to video games and violence. But did anyone from the game media bother to show up? Nope. Aaron Stanton was the lone game journalist at an event that could have real impact on game legislation, and the lack of attention pissed him off. You should read more about it here.
game: Bomberman
review | 10/19/06 | Matt James
Hudson Soft\'s classic Bomberman series makes a much better return on the PSP. Fans of classic Bomberman style and a PSP should check it out, but don\'t expect a \"next-generation\" of Bomberman here: Unlike the recent console remake of Bomberman, very little liberties are taken with the franchise, which leaves this one feeling a bit flat. Check out Matt\'s review of Bomberman for PSP to get the full story.
game: Rengoku II: Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N
review | 10/17/06 | Matt James
Usually giant robot fighting is a great way to spend a weekend, hell, even a week. But sometimes it just makes us want to throw our PSP across the room and scream, \"No, bad PSP!\" Rengoku is somewhere in-between. Want to know what the relevance to the acronym H.E.A.V.E.N is? Or if giant robot action and 4-player wireless will save Rengoku II? Or will our Matt James be able to look at his PSP the same after having gone through not one, but two Rengokus? Is it a metaphoric stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N or is there some literal, Jungian translation? Will Led Zeppelin come and play at my birthday party? Well, to quote the great Wayne Campbell: \"No stairway. DENIED!\"
game: Indi-Site Launches
news | 10/16/06 | Aaron Stanton
The launch of Manifesto Games might not have caught the imagination of the mainstream game press, but it\'s like a playground for those of us interested in indi-game development. Manifesto is a portal that brings all the indi games you\'ve never heard of to the front row, letting you download demos and purchase games online. You might recognize some of the titles, but others are buried in obscurity. Most of them, though, share a sense of creativity that\'s sure to fire up interest. Some of the best games you\'ve never played can now be found in one easy-to-browse location. Check out Manifesto Games, and find that hidden diamond that you didn\'t even know you were missing.
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