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Search for 'review' returned 693 results.

Shadowgrounds Review
game: Shadowgrounds
review | 05/04/06 | George Holomshek
Shadowgrounds is an independently developed European title that comes to North America thanks to Meridian 4, who has also recently announced that Shadowgrounds will be carried on Valve\'s popular Steam service. Featuring frantic top-down shooter action with excellent lighting and plenty of weapons upgrades, Shadowgrounds isn\'t a complicated game, it\'s just fun. Check out George\'s review for the full story.
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Pre-E3: Lost Planet Preview
game: Lost Planet
preview | 05/01/06 | Chris Martin
E3 is on the horizon, and we\'re all aching to see what is coming down the road for the future of gaming. Right now the inventive minds behind Onimusha and Devil May Cry are working hard on Lost Planet for the Xbox 360. Large robots played a role in the launch of the original Xbox with MechAssualt, and now Capcom hopes to use big robots again to push the Xbox 360 firmly into the next generation of gaming. With seamless environments and a mix of gameplay styles (in-Mech and on foot), Lost Planet might be just the thing to keep the Xbox 360 fresh and selling strong come December. Though it\'s a ways off, we\'re still eager to play some of this incredible looking actioneer. Read why inside!
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UberSoldier! Review
game: UberSoldier
review | 05/01/06 | Tristan Mayshark
If the slow pacing of FPS titles like Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 put you off, UberSoldier might be able to offer a more mindless and action oriented experience at a budget price. Some players will think it\'s a wonderful excursion from the tedious, and some players will quite reasonably hate it. For the former group, this zombie-filled WWII shooter is worth the $29 that you\'ll put down at your local video game store. It embodies old-school first person shooting, executing the genre tried-and-true without all that complicated crap like an interesting plot.
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Karaoke Country Revolution Review: Mamas Don't Let Your Gamers Grow Up to be Cowboys
game: CMT Presents Karaoke Country Revolution
review | 04/29/06 | Laurie Taylor
Gun isn\'t the only game out there that challenges you to cowboy up and show your stuff: CMT Presents Karaoke Country Revolution brings a bit of twang to the K-Rev formula. Featuring an armload of country hits (and not-so-hits), there\'s plenty of party-friendly play here, and the integration of the Eyetoy camera adds an eerie level of \"Wow, I\'m on CMT\" vibe to the experience. Scoot them boots over to Laurie\'s review for the complete rundown.
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The (Small Screen) Silent Hill Experience
game: The Silent Hill Experience
review | 04/26/06 | Laurie Taylor
Konami\'s Silent Hill has come to PSP, but that\'s a misleading statement. The Silent Hill EXPERIENCE has come to PSP, but apparently the experience doesn\'t include any actual game. Rather, The Silent Hill Experience is a UMD full of all the things we would expect to get for free as extras and unlockables in a AAA game title. It\'s got comics, video and music from the game, but it ultimately left our resident Silent Hill fan, Laurie, a bit cold. Get the full review here.
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Driver: Parallel Lines Review; Return of the Wheelman
game: Driver: Parallel Lines
review | 04/25/06 | Chris Martin
The Driver series that flourished on the PlayStation took a hit below the belt with the release of Driver 3. Now, Driver: Parallel Lines is back, brought to you by Atari and the men and women at Reflections. Is the fourth iteration in the Driver series the return to greatness we\'ve all been expecting and hoping for? Or does Driver: Parallel Lines only offer what we\'ve seen before at mediocre levels? Chris Martin has the final word inside.
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Tao?s Adventure: Curse of the Demon Seal Review
game: Tao?s Adventure: Curse of the Demon Seal
review | 04/24/06 | George Holomshek
Nintendo DS owners aren\'t going to sneeze at a good RPG for the system. But is it any coincidence that Tao\'s Adventure: Curse of the Demon Seal could be abbreviated to \"Curse of the DS?\" Not only is Tao\'s Adventure bad enough to warrant the title, but it also speaks to the trouble the DS has had in generating good RPGs (Lunar anyone?). Featuring tons of menus, wonky controls, and too many of the typical RPG tropes we expect, it doesn\'t take a game reviewer to tell you to approach this title with caution. But we went and got a game reviewer to tell you that, except with more words. We\'re like that.
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How to Be a Console DJ: Reviewing beatmania
game: beatmania
review | 04/23/06 | Amanda Bateman
Always wanted to be a DJ but didn\'t know quite where to start? We can\'t guarantee that beatmania will provide you with the skills needed to become an expert on the turntables, but it is a heck of a lot of fun. And at $59 for both the game and the super-sweet turntable controller, this is another Konami game that is easy to get your friends to try. Amanda breaks it down for you in her review.
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Generation of Chaos Review
game: Generation of Chaos
review | 04/20/06 | Matt James
Generation of Chaos is an anime-styled tactical RPG that features, as its main selling point, massive battles with upwards of 30 combatants on each side. It sounds really cool, and tactical RPGs (think FF Tactics or Arc the Lad) can be so much fun. Unfortunately, Generaton of Chaos features so many obscure menus that it ends up being about as much fun as Microsoft Word. Be sure to check out Matt\'s review before venturing into the chaos.
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Re-shuffle This Deck: Metal Gear Ac!d 2 Review
game: Metal Gear Ac!d 2
review | 04/19/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
Metal Gear Ac!d 2 is another iteration of the card and tile, turn-based take on the fan-favorite stealth action series. The first iteration of Ac!d was not exactly a hit (then again, it\'s still one of the few titles created exclusively for the system). How does Ac!d 2 improve its game? It improves it with completely \"non-gimmicky\" additions like PS2 connectivity and an \"amazing\" 3D viewer that is guaranteed to cramp you up and give you a headache. Ac!d is a unique experience to say the least, and you can get all the rest of the details in Jeremy\'s review here.
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Oblivion's Missing Physics
game: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
feature | 04/16/06 | Aaron Stanton
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion has consistently been impressing reviewers and gamers alike. The expansive world and do-anything style of gameplay is quickly coming to define what consumers think of as next generation. However, even with its beautiful lighting effects and never-ending storyline, Oblivion\'s environments serve as a perfect example of why physics will be what really defines next generation gaming, not still visuals. It is a splendidly beautiful world that still requires a blind eye in order to believe the environment. Be sure to read the full article.
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Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance review
game: Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
review | 04/14/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence delivers a solid face lift to the MGS series in the form of a prequel, but doesn\'t depart radically from the Metal Gear formula. And in some ways it\'s inferior to its predecessors. Packed with extras, new mini-games, and ports of some of the oldest Metal Gear titles, this is a collector\'s dream come true. And for the rest of us? Subsistence manages to retain the tension of its stealth-action upbringing and not lose its sense of humor; there\'s no stress reliever like chasing a monkey. Consult Jeremy\'s review for a more in-depth look.
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Daemonica Review
game: Daemonica
review | 04/11/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Meridian 4 has brought us another indy European import that might not be quite up to next-gen graphical standards, but features a great story full of horrific twists. Daemonica is a compelling RPG set in a 14th Century European town having a little trouble keeping the life and the afterlife completely separate. (We have the same problem with Oblivion.) The action is light, but the price is right, and the narrative was enough to impress our guy, Blaine. Check out his review here.
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Suikoden V Review
game: Suikoden V
review | 04/10/06 | Amanda Bateman
You gotta catch them all! ...No, not Pokemon. Stars of Destiny. The next chapter in the Suikoden series is here, following the adventures of the Prince of Falena as he works to prevent disaster from reaching his family, friends, and the Queendom. (Yeah, you read right. Queendom.)
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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC Review
game: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
review | 04/09/06 | Sean Hilliard
Ahhh, sweet Oblivion. Few games are so appropriately titled. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is everything a gamer could ask for and more. Check out Sean\'s review of the PC version if you needed another excuse for buying this phenomenal game. If you already have it and are still gonzo for Tamriel, read it to fuel your crack-like addiction while at work or \"taking care\" of the kids.
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