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Filling in the Gaps: 20 Games You May Have Missed
cool site
posted by: Shawn Rider
publisher: Retro Gaming with Racketboy
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date posted: 10:29 AM Tue Dec 6th, 2005

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Click to read.Every once in awhile we read a good feature on another website that makes us glad we still browse them thar Interwebs. In a list that we agree with a whole bunch, Retro Gaming with Racketboy ticks off the top 20 games you might have missed. Did you play Guardian Heroes on Saturn? Did you play Beyond Good and Evil? Did you play Chu Chu Rocket on Dreamcast? Have you copped a copy of Propeller Arena for DC? Check out the Racketboy list for more must-play titles from bygone days.

We\'ve played many of these, but some of them have even slipped under the GF! radar. With so many different emulators available on so many platforms, it only makes sense for any enthusiastic gamers to hunt down the resources needed to play these old titles. Of course, many of them are so unknown that a vigilant eye on the used game bins might just spot a diamond in the ruff. Copy this list down and keep it in your back pocket for those unexpected flea market runs.

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