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Free Xbox 360 Dashboard Backgrounds from GF!
posted by: Shawn Rider
publisher: GamesFirst!
developer: GamesFirst!
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date posted: 11:11 AM Sun Apr 30th, 2006
last revision: 11:11 AM Sun Apr 30th, 2006

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Click to read.After download numerous themes from the Xbox Live Marketplace, it has become apparent that companies are not really putting in much effort to create these packages, although they are happily charging us close to $2 USD for them. We have tested numerous themes, from games we genuinely care about, and they have been overwhelmingly bad.

Who can mess up a Dead Rising theme? Apparently Capcom can, because the backgrounds are so busy and dark you can\'t read the text on the screen. Who can mess up a \"grafitti\" theme? Microsoft. Even the Penny Arcade Ultraskin makes it very difficult to read the menu options in the dashboard. And don\'t even get me started on the crappy patterned texturing that most themes use on the Xbox 360 Guide panel. It\'s very much like travelling back to 1997 web design.

However, as much as we like complaining, we also like doing something about it. So we have created the first of our GF! Dashback Packs. \"Dashback\" is the sweet new term we\'re coining to abbreviate \"Dashboard Background,\" and these images are all full 1080i HDTV resolution JPGs custom formatted to fit into your Xbox 360 Dashboard without making it impossible to actually USE the Xbox 360 Dashboard. It\'s a delicate balance, but I think you\'ll agree that we\'ve hit it better than most of the background themes available in the Xbox Live Marketplace.

Click here to download the entire archive GF! Dashback Pack One. (ZIP archive)

(Please note, the images included in this article are low-res previews of the actual background images.)

Included in this package are a dozen background images: Several colors of \"swirly gradients\", several colors of \"ripple gradients\", two backgrounds based on Twoplayer Comics, a \"We Love Aliens\" background, and the soon-to-be classic \"Rainbow\" style.

Enjoy using these backgrounds on your Xbox 360, or on your personal computer. These images will, obviously, work on any computer desktop as well, although they have been specifically formatted to the Xbox 360 Dashboard proportions. The backgrounds work very well on widescreen monitors, too.

If you dig these Dashbacks, drop us a line at mailbag[AT]gamesfirst.com and let us know what else you\'d like to see. We\'ll keep putting these out as long as there is interest.

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