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Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility List Updated, Counterstrike Gets Its Day
posted by: Chris Martin
date posted: 03:09 PM Tue Aug 29th, 2006
last revision: 03:13 PM Tue Aug 29th, 2006

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Click to read.Microsoft hasn\'t given up the ball in the backwards compatibility department. Obviously Sony has guaranteed that nearly all the PlayStation and the PlayStation 2 games will play on the PlayStation 3. The lineage of PS is pretty solid, but Xbox 360 gamers haven\'t been without their favorite old games, either. The free download on Xbox Live that gives backward compatibility to old Xbox games has been updated.

Major Nelson\'s blog lists the games that are now supported, including updates to old buggier games like Half-Life 2. The complete list of Xbox Live backwards compatible games is almost to 300. That\'s nothing to shake a fist at. It might not be as immediate as Sony\'s backwards compatibility (which Microsoft could maybe learn a few things from), but it\'s getting there.

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