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Pac'n Roll Ships Today
game: Pac'n Roll
posted by: Shawn Rider
publisher: Namco
developer: Namco
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date posted: 11:52 AM Tue Aug 23rd, 2005
last revision: 11:52 AM Tue Aug 23rd, 2005

Click to read.Namco has announced that Pac\'n Roll is now availabe in retail outlets for the Nintendo DS. This latest iteration of the Pac Man franchise features touch screen controls to give the user a whole new experience controlling the little yellow guy.

The bottom screen looks like it is dedicated to a Pac Man icon that you use like a trackball to control the action on the upper screen. The worlds are 3D environments, as we\'ve seen with most of the recent Pac-titles. If the idea of playing a Pac Man adventure game with a virtual trackball doesn\'t get you thoroughly stoked, then the included classic game mode should give you a warm and fuzzy safe feeling.

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