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Gary Coleman to Star in Postal 2
game: Postal 2
posted by: GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
date posted: 09:10 AM Mon May 20th, 2002
last revision: 04:40 AM Fri Sep 23rd, 2005

Tucson, AZ - As the most dangerous videogame developers in the short history of man, Running With Scissors today confirmed that Gary Coleman, America\'s most beloved and belittled TV star, will play himself in POSTAL 2, the anxiously awaited sequel to the original PC cult classic!

\"Gary\'s been a Postal fan since the beginning,\" gloated Vince Desi, Running With Scissors\' CEO. \"Just like adult diapers and apple pie, Postal and Gary Coleman are true American icons, so it made perfect sense to ask him to come join the frothy red fray of POSTAL 2. And for the first time in videogame history, a celebrity will actually appear as himself!\"

Coleman, a contributing editor for UGO.com and equally well-known videogame enthusiast and industry expert, backed-up Running With Scissors\' declaration with his trademark sense of irreverent humor by rhetorically asking fans, \"Friend? Foe? YOU decide while on your quest for the nectar of the bovine!\"

\"Evil hath no wrath like a lactose-dependant man scorned,\" continued Coleman with a grin. \"I\'ve joined forces with the guerilla army of Running With Scissors to unleash the ultimate abomination for all to enjoy: POSTAL 2! Pull the pin and let me in! I\'ll help you take the game world by storm by getting rid of those daily \'politically correct\' headaches with hand grenades and shotgun blasts!\"

\"Gary\'s not pulling your chain here,\" chimed in Desi. \"The first day we had Gary at our camp in Tucson, we took him out for a little Running With Scissors\' style \'first-person\' fun. That means shooting full-auto for all those gun-grabbing/game-banning politicians out there.\"

POSTAL 2 is being built using Epic Game\'s UNREAL engine technology and MathEngine\'s Karma physics. Combined with Running With Scissors\' own Liquid software, it makes for a pure adrenaline gaming experience. POSTAL 2 will be available worldwide this fall.

Press Release