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Search for '10Tacle Studios' returned 2 results.

GTR 2 Review
game: GTR 2 Fia GT
review | 11/24/06 | Chris Martin
The original GTR FIA GT was a popular title with the hardcore racing sim fans. Featuring great graphics, excellent control and near-perfect driving feel, the GTR franchise has a lot to live up to. So how does GTR2 FIA GT stack up? We let our resident GF! race sim fanatic, Chris Martin, run it around the track, and he brought back this review.
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GTR: FIA Racing Review
game: GTR: FIA Racing
review | 10/23/05 | Chris Martin
Hardcore racing sim fans take note: GTR: FIA Racing is an out-of-left-field contender for the racing sim hall of fame. Built on real data from the FIA racing circuit, GTR: FIA Racing features tense simulations with some of the best opponent driver AI we\'ve ever seen in any racing title. It doesn\'t have the catalog of vehicles or the over-the-top graphics beauty of a Gran Turismo or Project Gotham, but this one has plenty of get up and go.
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