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Search for 'Atari 2600' returned 2 results.

GameTap Review
game: GameTap
review | 11/07/05 | George Holomshek
GameTap is Turner Broadcasting\'s newest offering. It is a broadband games-on-demand service that allows unlimited play of hundreds of games for about $15 per month. If you\'re a hardcore retro-gaming junky, there\'s loads to love here: Games are precisely emulated like the original systems, and systems range from Atari 2600 through Commodore 64 to Dreamcast and Sega 32x. Oh, and we hear there\'s some TV-like stuff on it, too.
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Atari 2600 Cart You Never Heard of Sells for $1,825
game: Pepsi Invaders
news | 10/25/05 | Aaron Stanton
Pepsi Invaders (aka Coke Wins) is an ultra-rare Atari 2600 cartridge that was given to Coca-Cola employees in the early 1980s. Only 125 copies of the game were ever produced, without labels or boxes. Needless to say, this game scores a full 10 on the AtariAge.com rareness meter. A copy of the game surfaced and was recently sold on eBay for $1,825. That\'s a spendy Space Invaders clone.
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