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Search for 'Baldur' returned 5 results.

First Impressions: Too Human
game: Too Human
preview | 07/18/08 | Chris Martin
This terribly cold, strenuous year has entered it\'s warming period. Twentysomethings venture to the park for volleyball or soccer. Some throw frisbees or discs, if you prefer the neutral term. Also, the demo for Too Human has hit Live Marketplace. We suggest you go download it and play it. It\'s a game with as much controversy as variety, as little tact as subtlety.
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Too Human Announced
game: Too Human
news | 10/05/05 | Shawn Rider
Eternal Darkness developer, Silicon Knights, is working on a first-party game for Microsoft Game Studios. Too Human is an \"epic action game\" (read: the first of a planned trilogy) in which players assume the role of the Cybernetic God Baldur, who must defend humanity from a group of monstrous war machines who don\'t play well with others. Powered by Unreal Engine 3, this one is already looking good, and with the reputation Silicon Knights has for creating great, story-driven action games, we have very high hopes for this title. Keep an eye out for Too Human to release in Fall 2006.
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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Preview (Xbox, PC)
game: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
preview | 03/02/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
One of the most beloved RPG developers, Bioware (makers of hits such as Neverwinter Nights and Baldur\'s Gate), has grabbed hold of one of the most beloved franchises, Star Wars, and created an RPG for the RPG starved Xbox and the not-so-RPG-starved PC. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic should be super cool. Click here.
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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Preview
game: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
preview | 03/02/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
One of the most beloved RPG developers, Bioware (makers of hits such as Neverwinter Nights and Baldur\'s Gate), has grabbed hold of one of the most beloved franchises, Star Wars, and created an RPG for the RPG starved Xbox and the not-so-RPG-starved PC. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic should be super cool. Click here.
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Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance Review
game: Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
review | 11/24/02 | Shawn Rider
A legendary disappointment around these parts, Baldur\'s Gate: Dark Alliance for the Xbox packs the same gorgeous visuals and great gameplay. What\'s wrong with that? Nothing, except the fact that it\'s over almost before it\'s begun and the replay value is pretty much zip.
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