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Search for 'Crave' returned 11 results.

Hands on with Enchanted Arms: Japan's First 360 RPG
game: Enchanted Arms
preview | 05/17/06 | Matt James
Enchanted Arms is one of the few Japanese-developed games coming to American Xbox 360s this year. Already out in the JP, we know it\'s a solid RPG with traditional elements and sparkly graphics. But can it offer up that something special that Xbox owners crave? Our man, Matt James, took on the great golems of Enchanted Arms, and he did fare well (although not so well at getting a chuckle out of those stoic From Software reps). Check out the full preview here.
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Crave Entertainment Loses a Vice President and Friend; Memorial Held Today
news | 02/24/06 | Aaron Stanton
Sometimes the human elements of the industry are the hardest to report, and the most important not to miss. Mark VanDeVelde, a Vice President at Crave Entertainment and an industry veteran, passed away last Saturday, February 18th. The memorial service will be held today, and a scholarship fund has been established for Mark\'s 11-year-old daughter. While the chance is small that this news will impact the average gamer on a day-to-day level, sometimes we have to care simply because we know that someone else is fundamentally affected by such changes. It says something about Crave Entertainment that they felt it was important to share the loss, and our condolences go to Mark\'s family. We are genuinely saddened for you, and we can only imagine how difficult a time this must be. You have our best.
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Pinball Hall of Fame Review
game: Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection
review | 01/04/06 | Shawn Rider
Crave has delivered a really great pinball collection to the PSP. Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection features over a dozen classic Gottlieb pinball tables and arcade miscellany, all simulated in loving detail. This is a portable gaming pinball fan\'s dream come true, and it even allows you to serve out pinball games wirelessly to other PSPs. That means wireless multiplayer for all from a single UMD. If you like the pinball action, check this one out.
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Virtual Game Tringo Makes the Leap to Reality
game: Tringo
news | 09/20/05 | Shawn Rider
Tringo is a combination of Tetris and Bingo. Yeah, that\'s weird enough. But the story of its creation is even more unusual: Kermitt Quirk, a player in Second Life, created Tringo in-game and sells it to other Second Lifers. Now Crave has picked it up to sell it to real-life gamers for GBA. This could be the perfect accompaniment to that cute new GB Micro. Read the official press relesae from Crave here.
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World Championship Poker
game: World Championship Poker
review | 01/15/05 | George Holomshek
There's nothing quite like the thrill of a good hand in a high-stakes game, or the feel of losing it all to some card-shark down the street. World Championship Poker gives you the chance to feel both while still on the go, letting players take on not only Poker games, but Blackjack, Slots, and more. If you're looking for a simple diversion that you can carry around with you, this might be the way to go.
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Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection
game: Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection
review | 01/14/05 | Chris Martin
Not every game has to offer hours of pre-scripted gameplay, beautiful graphics, and brilliant voice acting in order to be good. In fact, sometimes what we need is a game that can be picked up, played for fifteen minutes, and then set aside without having to worry about any of those other time-consuming elements. Pinball Hall of Fame takes us a few steps down memory lane with a game that offers fun, addictive play for those times when a long-haul gaming binge just isn't what you're looking for.
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Bad Boys: Miami Takedown
game: Bad Boys: Miami Takedown
review | 11/20/04 | Matt James
As if there could be anything worse than Bad Boys II, Crave Games has done the dirty, dirty deed of releasing Bad Boys: Miami Takedown. Featuring cruddy graphics and a bad Will Smith impersonator, this is one action adventure game that ain't getting no play from us.
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Future Tactics: The Uprising
game: Future Tactics: The Uprising
review | 08/25/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Bright and cartoony, you might wonder at first glance if Future Tactics: The Uprising might swim a tad bit on the shallow end of the pool. Well, you might be right. If you haven't had a chance to check out this semi-RPG with lots of bang and little else, click here to let Eric fill you in.
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Strike Force Bowling
game: Strike Force Bowling
review | 08/25/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Ever feel like bowling, but don't really have the energy to move? Ever wish you could just knock over pins without doing more than pressing the button on a keypad three times in a row? Strike Force Bowling might be just the ticket. Click here, and pretty soon you too can be a bowling master without doing almost anything at all. Trust us. It's as exciting as it sounds.
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UFC Throwdown Review
game: UFC Throwdown
review | 08/25/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Crave Entertainment brings us the latest installment in the UFC series, and fans of the franchise should be pleased with UFC Throwdown. Featuring the same in-depth, strategic fighting system, this is not one of those flashy fighters that zip along at a million miles per hour. This is the thinking feller\'s fighter. Ironic? Click.
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Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter Preview (Xbox, PS2, GC)
game: Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter
preview | 07/01/02 | Shawn Rider
Crave brings us a way cool combination of space and planet based first person shooter. Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter creates a seamless world where you chase down bounties, cap on aliens, fly around several different spaceships, and generally rule the universe. So far there isn\'t a downside to this one. Click for more.
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