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Search for 'Day of Defeat' returned 2 results.

Day of Defeat
game: Day of Defeat
review | 07/03/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Activision has released the latest Half-Life mod as a stand-alone package. Day of Defeat is a really great mod for Half-Life that offers some compelling team play complete with voice over IP. But is the retail package worth it? The newest addition to the GF! team, Tristan Mashark, is going to answer that question for you. Click here for more.
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Day of Defeat Review
game: Day of Defeat
review | 06/19/03 | Tristan Mayshark
Activision has released the latest Half-Life mod as a stand-alone package. Day of Defeat is a really great mod for Half-Life that offers some compelling team play complete with voice over IP. But is the retail package worth it? The newest addition to the GF! team, Tristan Mashark, is going to answer that question for you. Click here for more.
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