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Search for 'E3 2005: Hands-on With Gears of War' returned 1 results.

E3 2005: Hands-on With Gears of War
game: E3 2005: Hands-on With Gears of War
preview | 05/24/05 | Aaron Stanton
One of the more polished games shown for the Xbox 360 at E3 2005, Gears of War is an over-the-shoulder shooter with a style reminiscent of Brute Force, only fun to play. While the world was wondering what the next generation titles would look like, screens from Gears of War have been on the Internet since E3 2004, when they were shown off under a different name for an Unreal 3 engine demonstration. Now we get to see more details about how the game plays as Aaron checks out the title behind closed doors.
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