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Search for 'GelTabz' returned 2 results.

GF! Weekly Wrap-Up #16
podcast | 01/13/06 | Val Townsend
This week in the Wrap-Up, Val Townsend, the Atomic Goddess, takes gamers on an audio adventure through the recent history of video gaming. In addition to a summary of recent news, Val has reviews of Kameo: Elements of Power (XB360), Cuban Missile Crisis: The Aftermath (PC), and those cute little GelTabz (multi). Rounding out this week\'s podcast is a preview of Square/Enix\'s Code Age Project, which spans games on mobile phones, PS2, and a comic book series. Serve yourself up a heaping helping of steaming hot podcast goodness, right here.
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GelTabz Review
game: GelTabz
review | 01/02/06 | Shawn Rider
GelTabz are an unlikely must-have enhancement. They are so incredibly simple they\'ll have you wondering why more game controllers don\'t make use of their innovative design. But they are so effective that once you give them a shot, you won\'t want to play without them. As natural a fit as a baseball glove and a baseball bat, GelTabz are definitely worth a closer look. Get the full review here.
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