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Search for 'Greek' returned 4 results.

Titan Quest Review
game: Titan Quest
review | 07/25/06 | George Holomshek
Titan Quest is a 3rd person action RPG that brings Diablo-style gameplay to Clash of the Titans-style content. The result is a bit brainless, but oozing with cool, especially if you\'re a fan of Harryhausen-esque skeleton battles and Greek mythology. Titan Quest does almost nothing new, but it does all of that old stuff really well. If you\'re a fan of the action RPG, or Medusas, Minotaurs and guys in leather skirts, then you should at least check out George\'s review.
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LoveChess: Age of Egypt Review
game: LoveChess: Age of Egypt
review | 02/14/06 | George Holomshek
Happy Valentine\'s Day, dear readers. From deep within the GF! Office of Love and Videogames, we are pleased to bring you George\'s latest research, a review of LoveChess: Age of Egypt, the sequel to Dutch developer Artmunk\'s LoveChess: The Greek Era. The multiplayer here is unlikely to inspire extended sessions of sultry romance, but it\'s at least a brief diversion from watching Skinamax while playing Fritz 9. Get the full story here.

And be warned: George\'s review is remarkably clean, but LoveChess features depictions of sex, and the screenshots are most likely not safe for work. (Unless you work at Artmunk.)
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Greek Geeks Fight Gaming Ban
editorial | 09/05/02 | Shawn Rider
In a horribly misguided stab at limiting gambling in public places, the Greek Government has created a ban on all videogames. That\'s right: Playing games on your PC, Xbox, PS2, Gamecube, Game Boy Advance (especially in public) is illegal in Greece. The first couple of internet cafe owners have been arrested already for allowing gaming in their public establishments, and things have gotten more rotten than 4:00 AM at a LAN bash over there. Click here for our coverage.
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Greek Geeks Fight Gaming Ban
Articles Archive | 09/05/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
A word to all of our Greek readers: Fight the power. We have heard from you on occasion, and thanks to your heads-up and some reporting from the BBC World News (their article can be seen here), we can now give the rest of the world the story.

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