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Search for 'Guitar Hero' returned 5 results.

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Review
game: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
review | 11/21/07 | George Holomshek
Harmonix may have moved on to Rock Band, but the Guitar Hero franchise still goes strong. The third Guitar Hero features online play, a great song list, and the best fake guitar money can buy. But did Tony Hawk developer Neversoft shred this one up too much? Do a few glaring issues keep this hero from saving the day?
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Earn $200 Playing Guitar Hero 2 Saturday, August 11
game: Guitar Hero 2
news | 08/09/07 | Chris Martin
Ever dreamed of winning money for playing videogames? Ever dreamed you might be standing in front of thousands of adoring fans as you rip-it-up on a plastic guitar? I know I have! Live in the Los Angeles area? Then you might want to spend your weekend at the Sacred Fools Theater Company as they host a Guitar Hero 2 tournament, sponsored by RedOctane. Oh, did I mention first prize is $200?
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Xbox 360 Live Update Adds Support for Wireless Guitars
game: Guitar Hero 3
news | 08/07/07 | Chris Martin
In Xbox Live News, Major Nelson posted news of a new Live update which adds support for wireless guitars for Guitar Hero and Rock Band (and whatever other guitar/music games that end up using them). This comes at the heel of impressions of Guitar Hero 3\'s Wireless guitar.
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Guitar Hero 2 Review
game: Guitar Hero 2
review | 04/29/07 | Chris Martin
Guitar Hero 2 for the Xbox 360 introduces ten new songs, updates the PS2 graphics, and even revises some old songs in a very complete package. More than just a port, this version is a truly great and smart rethinking of the PlayStation 2 version. To determine how much enjoyment you will get out of either the face-melting new Xbox 360 version (or the old PS2 version, for that matter), you must wrestle with one of the most soul-bending questions of the ages: To Rock, or not to Rock? For those about to Rock, we salute you.
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Guitar Hero Screens and News
game: Guitar Hero
news | 09/05/05 | Shawn Rider
Sometimes we just nod our head and say, \"Oh yeah! This ROCKS!\" Other times we shake our head and say, \"No, no! Don\'t stop the ROCKIN\'!\" And still other times we get a headache and have to stop all the headbanging in favor of some hardcore guitar rocking action, which is why we\'re keeping an eye on Guitar Hero, set the come out this Fall for PlayStation 2.
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