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Search for 'Guitar Hero 2' returned 2 results.

Earn $200 Playing Guitar Hero 2 Saturday, August 11
game: Guitar Hero 2
news | 08/09/07 | Chris Martin
Ever dreamed of winning money for playing videogames? Ever dreamed you might be standing in front of thousands of adoring fans as you rip-it-up on a plastic guitar? I know I have! Live in the Los Angeles area? Then you might want to spend your weekend at the Sacred Fools Theater Company as they host a Guitar Hero 2 tournament, sponsored by RedOctane. Oh, did I mention first prize is $200?
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Guitar Hero 2 Review
game: Guitar Hero 2
review | 04/29/07 | Chris Martin
Guitar Hero 2 for the Xbox 360 introduces ten new songs, updates the PS2 graphics, and even revises some old songs in a very complete package. More than just a port, this version is a truly great and smart rethinking of the PlayStation 2 version. To determine how much enjoyment you will get out of either the face-melting new Xbox 360 version (or the old PS2 version, for that matter), you must wrestle with one of the most soul-bending questions of the ages: To Rock, or not to Rock? For those about to Rock, we salute you.
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