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Search for 'Hip Interactive' returned 3 results.

E3 2005: Call of Cthulhu: Destiny's End
game: E3 2005: Call of Cthulhu: Destiny's End
preview | 05/24/05 | Laurie Taylor
Few things can lay claim to influencing the horror genre over the years as strongly as Lovecraft's dark tales of the unknown. The malformed shapes of the enemies in games like Silent Hill owe a debt to those creatures that first made an appearance in the mind of H.P. Lovecraft. Now, a game is coming that's using Lovecraft as source material directly. Read our E3 preview of Call of Cthulhu for an inside look at what you'll want to be afraid of in the coming months.
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Hip Screen Pad Review
game: Hip Screen Pad
review | 02/16/03 | Eric Qualls
Hip Interactive brings us a novel little product in their Hip Screen Pad. It\'s a PS2 controller with a screen and speakers built in. On the upside, the screen is really nice looking, especially considering its 2.5 inch size. On the downside, it costs about as much as other, bigger, portable screens and the controller is S-U-C-K. Click for more.
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Hip Screen Pad Review (PS2)
game: Hip Screen Pad
review | 02/01/03 | Eric Qualls
Hip Interactive brings us a novel little product in their Hip Screen Pad. It\'s a PS2 controller with a screen and speakers built in. On the upside, the screen is really nice looking, especially considering its 2.5 inch size. On the downside, it costs about as much as other, bigger, portable screens and the controller is S-U-C-K. Click for more.
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