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Search for 'Impossible Creatures' returned 3 results.

Impossible Creatures Review
game: Impossible Creatures
review | 02/09/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Microsoft game studio Relic has put together an RTS title that should appeal to the Dr. Moreau in all of us. Impossible Creatures allows you to design your own units to use in battle (how about elephants with pincers? burrowing ant-tigers with electric stingers?). Click here.
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Impossible Creatures Review (PC)
game: Impossible Creatures
review | 02/01/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Microsoft game studio Relic has put together an RTS title that should appeal to the Dr. Moreau in all of us. Impossible Creatures allows you to design your own units to use in battle (how about elephants with pincers? burrowing ant-tigers with electric stingers?). Click here.
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Impossible Creatures Preview (PC)
game: Impossible Creatures
preview | 05/29/02 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft games are looking strong this year in general, and although it\'s a good 9 months off, Impossible Creatures looks to continue the trend. Mix and match the most dangerous creatures in the world in this action RTS meets the Island of Dr. Moreau. Click here.
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