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Search for 'Infinity Ward' returned 3 results.

Call of Duty 2 Review
game: Call of Duty 2
review | 12/17/05 | Matt James
We recently published a review of Call of Duty 2 on every system except Xbox 360. So now we deliver to you our review of Call of Duty 2 for Xbox 360: What\'s different? Everything. Unless you were playing the PC version. The Xbox 360 is as pretty as a high-end PC running the game, so the graphics are amazingly beautiful. Fortunately, CoD2 developers Infinity Ward didn\'t need to add or change anything to make the 360 version a worthy launch title: The game is just that good. Cut through the glut of other WWII FPS titles and head straight for CoD2. Our man, Matt James, says it\'s just that good.
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Call of Duty 2 Preview
game: Call of Duty 2
preview | 10/13/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Call of Duty 2 puts gamers back in the role of American, British, and Russian soldiers fighting for the Allies in World War II. Known for its gritty depiction of the battlefield, Call of Duty 2 amps up the realism and immersive qualities. Everything from the AI of enemies and allies to the stellar graphics and enhanced environments have been improved upon, making Call of Duty 2 one of the most hectic battlefield simulations out there. Check out Blaine\'s preview here.
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Call of Duty 2
game: Call of Duty 2
preview | 05/03/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Since the release of Brothers in Arms, World War II FPS games have had a higher standard to work towards in order to compete. Even well established franchises like Call of Duty will have to battle hard to separate themselves from a saturated genre. Blaine breaks away from his original Call of Duty binge to look over what we know about Call of Duty 2. What can we expect from the next generation title?
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