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Search for 'Lost Planet' returned 2 results.

Lost Planet Review
game: Lost Planet
review | 02/15/07 | Chris Martin
Capcom has been firing on all cyllinders when it comes to the Xbox 360 and gamers with that small white box could not be happier. Following their critically received efforts of Dead Rising, Lost Planet is a third-person shooter set on the fictitious ice-planet E.D.N. III where there are snow pirates around every corner and loads of alien Akrid. This unique IP blends a \"vastness\" found in sci-fi novels like Frank Herbert\'s Dune with an overly complex (the word would be: incomprehensible) storyline. What you get is an action-filled shooter that manages, once or twice, to even shoot itself in the foot.
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Pre-E3: Lost Planet Preview
game: Lost Planet
preview | 05/01/06 | Chris Martin
E3 is on the horizon, and we\'re all aching to see what is coming down the road for the future of gaming. Right now the inventive minds behind Onimusha and Devil May Cry are working hard on Lost Planet for the Xbox 360. Large robots played a role in the launch of the original Xbox with MechAssualt, and now Capcom hopes to use big robots again to push the Xbox 360 firmly into the next generation of gaming. With seamless environments and a mix of gameplay styles (in-Mech and on foot), Lost Planet might be just the thing to keep the Xbox 360 fresh and selling strong come December. Though it\'s a ways off, we\'re still eager to play some of this incredible looking actioneer. Read why inside!
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