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Search for 'Nibris' returned 2 results.

Nibris Unveils New Info and Screens for ?Raid Over the River?
game: Raid Over the River
news | 06/14/06 | George Holomshek
Polish developer Nibris spilled the beans on their upcoming Raid Over the River, an exclusive Nintendo DS and Wii two-part series. When archaeologists in Peru discover an ancient artifact, top-down aerial time-travelling combat ensues (as you probably expected). The game looks and sounds like a spiffed up River Raid, but this revamp includes the addition of touch-screen control elements (most of the game is played traditionally) and voice-activated special moves. The overblown storyline and funky control schemes could make this series one to watch. Get the full story from George, right here.
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Pre-E3: Sadness Preview
game: Sadness
preview | 05/07/06 | George Holomshek
Indy Polish developer, Nibris, has given us some very nice screens of their upcoming Wii project, Sadness. Sadness is an unusual game for a few reasons: It\'s entirely in black-and-white, which gives it the feel of a creepy old-school horror movie. The psychological tensions built into the game should help to accentuate that \"Psycho\" quality, and to further intensify the gameplay, Nibris has also disregarded traditional weapons in favor of ad hoc armaments. Players will have to defend themselves with sticks, stones, torches, and shards of glass. George has a complete rundown on why Sadness is on his radar at E3 2006.
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